心系疫情 莆田南少林寺国际义工致电问候

菩萨在线福建讯 自疫情爆发以来,莆田南少林寺积极响应政府号召,及时关闭寺院,暂停一切聚集性活动,为疫情防控工作切实做出贡献。疫情当面,曾经在南少林寺体验和学修过的国际义工纷纷致电问候,以下为部分问候内容:

来自英国威尔士 POL WONG :在我给您写这封信的时候,世界上许多国家都在经历着冠状病毒的危险。尽管中国曾是重灾区,但是中国政府和人民应对的非常到位。很多英国人惊讶地看到数家医院仅用几天时间就建成简直令人难以置信。我本人也一直关注着疫情发展,特别是有关福建省及莆田市。

Dear Abbot Kong Xing,

As I write, many countries around the world are experiencing the danger of the covid-19 virus. China has been hardest hit but, the Chinese government and people have reacted fantastically well. Many UK people saw the hospitals being built in days and were amazed. I have been following the situation closely especially Fujian and Putian.

来自意大利 ANNA & LUCIA:中国向意大利派遣的专家组一行9人,携带31吨医疗物资飞抵罗马,支援意大利新冠肺炎疫情防控工作。



China has also sent 9 experts to Italy, carrying 31 tons of medical supplies to Rome to support the Italy for the fight against epidemic . Donated urgently needed medical supplies. The words of Seneca, an ancient Roman thinker, were written on the box in Italian and English: we are the waves of the same sea, the leaves of the same tree, and the flowers of the same garden. On a batch of materials from China, there is an aria in the opera Turandot. The lyrics are: "disappear, night! We will win at dawn! " As volunteers who have visited the Nan Shaolin Temple, we feel that the timely assistance of great China is like beloved bubble tee, refreshing and touching. Know each other far and near, ten thousand miles are still neighbors. We are very nostalgic for the wonderful time we spent in South Shaolin. We will come to the temple to see you and experience the farm work with the monk and vegetarian food together. We wish you all peace and health.

来自斯洛文尼亚 USHUO :在欧洲,意大利正因冠状病毒承着受严重打击。我们国家和意大利接壤。我们欣慰地看到,中国已经现在很好的控制了疫情。祝愿您及您的弟子法体安康,六时吉祥!

To the Abbot & Monks in NANSHAOLIN Monastery:

In Europe , the Italia has been heavily hit by the covid-19 and we border on Italy... And remember European countries are far worse in discipline the people to prevent the spreading the virus... In comparing with China... We are pleased that the epidemic has well controlled in this time in China. wishing you and your disciples health and all the best!

来自法兰西 Sisi :早在一月份在中国开始抗疫的紧要关头,法国曾提供了宝贵的支持和帮助。当前,包括法国在内的欧洲疫情形势严峻,不容乐观。



As early as January, France provided valuable support and help at the critical juncture when it began to fight against the epidemic in China . Here in France people get crazy and it make me worried in China. At present, after 2months passed , the epidemic situation in Europe, including France, is grim and not optimistic. Under the strong and efficient control of the Chinese government, China has basically curbed the epidemic and started to provide assistance to countries with serious epidemic. This is a true reflection of the true feelings of the people in need, and also a vivid confirmation of the high level of China France friendly and cooperative relations.

I hope everything is peace and safe for the Abbot and other monks health with fighting for the Coronavirus. and just hope the situation here is get controlled as good as that in China.​