abandon 和 discard都有“拋棄”的含義,你知道它們的區別嗎:

​abandon = give up ownership of something. (Possibly leave it for someone else)放棄某物的所有權。(可能留給別人)

For example "I found an abandoned puppy" or "the child was abandoned" or "at the end of the street there is an abandoned house"例如“我發現了一隻被遺棄的小狗”或“那個孩子被遺棄了”,或者“在這條街的盡頭有一所廢棄的房子”

discard = Get rid of something. (Throw it away, not to be used by anyone) 扔掉某物,扔掉,不讓任何人使用。

For example "when you leave the movie theatre please discard your popcorn box into the trash"例如“當您離開電影院時,請將爆米花盒丟棄到垃圾桶中”