

<code>1.Phyllis Rodriguez: We are here today because of the fact that we have what most people consider an unusual friendship.
菲莉斯·羅德里格斯:我們今天站在這裡 是因為 我們擁有大多數認為的 不尋常的一份友情。
2.And it is.
3.And yet, it feels natural to us now.
4.I first learned that my son had been in the World Trade Center on the morning of September 11th, 2001.
我起初知道 我的兒子在2001年9月11日早晨 進入了世貿大廈。
5.We didn't know if he had perished yet until 36 hours later.
我們不知道 是否他還活著 直到事發36小時之後。
6.At the time, we knew that it was political.
那時, 我知道這是政治原因。
7.We were afraid of what our country was going to do in the name of our son -- my husband, Orlando, and I and our family.
我們擔心國家會以我們孩子的名義 要做的那些事-- 我丈夫,奧蘭多,和我以及我們一家。
8.And when I saw it -- and yet, through the shock, the terrible shock, and the terrible explosion in our lives, literally, we were not vengeful.
當我看到的時候-- 可是,經歷了這種震驚, 可怕的震驚, 真正意義上的生活中可怕的震驚, 我們並沒有心存報復。
9.And a couple of weeks later when Zacarias Moussaoui was indicted on six counts of conspiracy to commit terrorism, and the U.S. government called for a death penalty
幾周之後 當撒迦利亞·穆薩維被指控為 六個密謀製造恐怖襲擊的份子之一, 同時美國政府對他將判決
10.for him, if convicted, my husband and I spoke out in opposition to that, publicly.
死刑,如果定罪的話, 我丈夫和我 也用完全不同的角度,群眾的角度討論過這些。

11.Through that and through human rights groups, we were brought together with several other victims' families.
通過這些 也通過人權組織, 我們走到了一起 還有一些其他受害者家屬。
12.When I saw Aicha in the media, coming over when her son was indicted, and I thought, "What a brave woman.
當我在媒體上看到艾莎, 同時她的兒子被指控的時候, 我就想,“多麼勇敢的女人。
13.Someday I want to meet that woman when I'm stronger."
14.I was still in deep grief; I knew I didn't have the strength.
我仍舊沉浸在悲傷中, 我知道我不夠堅強。
15.I knew I would find her someday, or we would find each other.
我知道有一天我能找到她, 也許我們會找到彼此。
16.Because, when people heard that my son was a victim, I got immediate sympathy.
因為,當人們聽說我兒子是受害者的時候, 我立即得到了同情。
17.But when people learned what her son was accused of, she didn't get that sympathy.
但是當人們聽說 她的兒子是被指控的時候, 她卻沒有得到同情。
18.But her suffering is equal to mine.
19.So we met in November 2002, and Aicha will now tell you how that came about.
於是我們在2002年11月相遇了。 接下來艾莎會告訴你們 事情是怎麼發生的。
20.(Translator) Aicha el-Wafi: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.
21.I am the mother of Zacarias Moussaoui.
22.And I asked the Organization of Human Rights to put me in touch with the parents of the victims.
我請求 人權組織 讓我和那些受害者的父母取得聯繫。

23.So they introduced me to five families.
於是他們就把我介紹給 5個家庭。
24.And I saw Phyllis, and I watched her.
25.She was the only mother in the group.
26.The others were brothers, sisters.
27.And I saw in her eyes that she was a mother, just like me.
當我從她的目光中看出 她是個母親,和我一樣的母親。
28.I suffered a lot as a mother.
29.I was married when I was 14.
30.I lost a child when I was 15, a second child when I was 16.
15歲失去了第一個孩子, 16歲失去了第二個孩子。
31.So the story with Zacarias was too much really.
32.And I still suffer, because my son is like he's buried alive.
我仍舊還在悲痛中, 因為我的兒子 就像被活埋了一樣。
33.I know she really cried for her son.
34.But she knows where he is.
35.My son, I don't know where he is.
36.I don't know if he's alive. I don't know if he's tortured.

37.I don't know what happened to him.
38.So that's why I decided to tell my story, so that my suffering is something positive for other women.
這也是為什麼我決定講述我的故事的原因, 以便我的痛苦能對其他婦女有些正面的幫助。
39.For all the women, all the mothers that give life, you can give back, you can change.
為了所有的婦女,所有賜予生命的母親, 你們可以恢復, 你們可以改變。
40.It's up to us women, because we are women, because we love our children.
這取決於我們婦女, 因為我們是女人, 因為我們愛我們的孩子。
41.We must be hand-in-hand and do something together.
我們一定要聯手起來 一起做一些事。
42.It's not against women, it's for us, for us women, for our children.
這事不是為了反對婦女, 這是為了我們,為了我們婦女, 為了我們的孩子們。
43.I talk against violence, against terrorism.
44.I go to schools to talk to young, Muslim girls so they don't accept to be married against their will very young.
我去學校 和那些年輕的穆斯林女孩交談 所以在她們年少時不會接受違揹她們意志的婚姻。
45.So if I can save one of the young girls, and avoid that they get married and suffer as much as I did, well this is something good.
如果我能拯救一個年輕的女孩, 從而避免她們過早結婚而像我一樣遭受這麼多, 起碼這就是好的事情。
46.This is why I'm here in front of you.
47.PR: I would like to say that I have learned so much from Aicha, starting with that day we had our very first meeting with other family members --
菲莉斯·羅德里格斯:我想說的是 我從艾莎這裡學到了很多, 回首我們初次見面的那天 還有其他家庭的成員--

48.which was a very private meeting with security, because it was November 2002, and, frankly, we were afraid of the super-patriotism of that time in the country --
這是個受保護的很私下的聚會, 因為當時是2002年11月, 老實說,我們擔心國內的那些極端(左翼)愛國主義者--
49.those of us family members.
50.But we were all so nervous.
51."Why does she want to meet us?"
52.And then she was nervous.
53."Why did we want to meet her?"
54.What did we want from each other?
55.Before we knew each others' names, or anything, we had embraced and wept.
在我們瞭解其他人的姓名和其他一些事情之前, 我們已經哭著相互抱在一起。
56.Then we sat in a circle with support, with help, from people experienced in this kind of reconciliation.
接著我們坐成一個圈 在和解的環境下和那些經歷過此事的人 互相扶持,互相幫助。
57.And Aicha started, and she said, "I don't know if my son is guilty or innocent, but I want to tell you how sorry I am for what happened to your families.
艾莎起的頭 她講述道, “我不知道我的兒子 是有罪還是無辜的, 但是我想告訴你們我有多麼抱歉 對於那些發生在你們家庭裡的事。
58.I know what it is to suffer, and I feel that if there is a crime, a person should be tried fairly and punished."
我知道這是很痛苦, 同時我以為,如果有人犯罪的話, 那人應該被公平的對待和定罪。”
59.But she reached out to us in that way, and it was, I'd like to say, it was an ice-breaker.

但她是用這種方式與我們感同身受。 這是,我想說,這是一種冰釋前嫌的方式。
60.And what happened then is we all told our stories, and we all connected as human beings.
接下去發生的是,我們全都講述了自己的故事, 我們作為平等人互相交流著。
61.By the end of the afternoon -- it was about three hours after lunch -- we'd felt as if we'd known each other forever.
在下午結束的時候-- 大概是午餐之後3個小時-- 我們感覺就好像我們永遠瞭解彼此一樣。
62.Now what I learned from her, is a woman, not only who could be so generous under these present circumstances and what it was then, and what was being done to her son,
我從她身上學到的, 是作為一個女人,可以變的如此寬容 不但在當時的情況下 那時所發生的, 和她孩子所經歷過的遭遇,
63.but the life she's had.
64.I never had met someone with such a hard life, from such a totally different culture and environment from my own.
從我經歷過的不同文化和環境, 我從來沒有見到過, 有如此艱苦命運的人。
65.And I feel that we have a special connection, which I value very much.
我覺得 我們有著 一種特別的聯繫, 一種我很珍惜的聯繫。
66.And I think it's all about being afraid of the other, but making that step and then realizing, "Hey, this wasn't so hard.
我想這都是因為 互相之間的關心, 但是當做到這地步 就會意識到,“啊,這不是那麼難。
67.Who else can I meet that I don't know, or that I'm so different from?"
我還能遇見一些我所不瞭解的人, 或是和我與眾不同的人嗎?
68.So, Aicha, do you have a couple of words for conclusion?
所以,艾莎, 你有要總結的 話嗎?
69.Because our time is up.

70.(Laughter) (Translator) AW: I wanted to say that we have to try to know other people, the other.
(笑聲) (翻譯員)艾莎·瓦非:我想說 我們要嘗試著瞭解其他人,其他事,
71.You have to be generous, and your hearts must be generous, your mind must be generous.
你要變得大度, 同時你的心境也必須變得寬容, 你的想法必須變得大度。
72.You must be tolerant.
73.You have to fight against violence.
74.And I hope that someday we'll all live together in peace and respecting each other.
我希望有一天我們會生活在一起 和平尊重其他人。
75.This is what I wanted to say.

