

Describe an uniform(in a school or a company)you wear(10小题)

1.Why should students wear school uniform?

原创答案:Well, If students wear the same clothes ,then the poor students will feel less humiliated and embarrassed about the financial condition and consequently can focus more on their academic study .The second reason is that uniform brings and cultivate a sense of belonging and unity in a group .besides .it will be pretty pleasing to the eyes ,if you see students in their uniform in the school yard line up to enter the class which I think is quite unique in my country(雅思口语P3情报站)

2.On what occasion should people wear uniforms?

原创答案:Firstly, students should wear uniform when they are at school as that uniform brings and cultivate a sense of belonging and unity in a group .further people should wear uniforms on duty in working place ,Some companies require all of their workers to wear uniforms to help customers identify workers. For example, you may have noticed that package delivery personnel for UPS all wear similar brown uniforms. (雅思口语P3情报站)

3.Should companies ask for employees, opinion about the design of uniform

原创答案:Yes I think they should. because your people need to know you care about them, and it’s important they’re listened to when it comes to uniform. This process can be challenging, as your staff will inevitably have varied preferences and opinions; but employee input into garment selection is crucial to a successful launch and happy teams, Whether or not your staff are ‘suited and booted’ in this way, they still need to feel stylish when stepping into their uniform. You want them to represent your brand as it should be – consistent and of high quality. Therefore, considering the design of the uniform worn by your team daily is so important. (雅思口语P3情报站)

4.Can people tell a person’s personality by his/her clothes?

5.What would you say are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing a uniform?

6.In your country, do schools provide similar uniforms to their students?

7.What kinds of professions need to wear uniforms?

8.Do you think women’s clothes show more variety than men’s clothes?

9.What kinds of clothes do people wear after work?

10.Where do people in your country buy clothes?