愛與靈藥 │ 網球只是納達爾的內心遊戲,你呢?

網球是一項以 “ love ” 為靈魂的項目,納達爾以自己對網球的愛與靈藥捧起了第十六座大滿貫獎盃!據說託尼叔叔私下最愛和他聊的竟然是哲學,網球竟然是納達爾的內心遊戲,那麼我就從納豆的言語中去發現這些哲學靈藥吧!

1 恐懼

Losing is not my enemy……fear of losing is my enemy .


2 目 標

My goal is to improve my game , stay healthy and be competitive. If I have that ,I know I can be able to win tournaments, which in the end is what it counts.


3 謙 虛

In your career you have a lot of good moments and bad ones .The important thing is to have enough motivation to keep working all the days with humility and trying to be a better than before. I am going to try to continue doing this.


4 忠 誠

I always wanted to be honest with myself and to those who had faith in me.


5 進 取

Playing well or playing bad , I have to play aggressive.


6 感 恩

I appreciate a lot in this life ; life is once. I am happy being here and all the things that are a risk inormally avoid.


7 冷 靜

You have to accept both losing and winning well . I’ve stayed calm when I’m winning and I’ve stayed calm when I’ve lost.


8 嘗 試

When one player is better than you , at this moment ,the only thing you can do is work , try tofind solutions and try to wait a little bit for your time. I’m going to wait and I’m going to try sixth time, and if the sixth doesn’t happen , a seventh . It’s going to like this .That’s the spirit of sport.


9 方 法

The only way of finding a solution is fight back , to move , to run , to control that pressure.


10 榮 譽

The glory is being happy .The glory is not winning here or winning there . The glory is enjoying practicing , enjoy everyday ,enjoying, enjoying to work hard, tying to be a better player than before.
