
1.拖欠農民工工資wage arrears for migrant rural workers

2.主觀主義、形式主義和官僚主義作風a subjective,formalistic and bureaucratic style of work

3.增強憂患意思和歷史責任感to become more aware of potential problems and enhance our sense of historical responsibility

4.知難而進to forge ahead in spite of difficulties

5.精神狀態mental outlook

6.盲目投資haphazard investment

7.進口退稅機制the mechanism export tax rebates

8.反傾銷調查anti-dumping investigations

9.進出口商品結構the import and export mix

10.收容遣送工作handling of indigent migrants

11.城市生活無著的流浪乞討人員vagrants and beggars with no means of support in cities

12.超期羈押detention beyond the legally prescribed time limits

13.低水平重複建設low-level,redundant construction

14.科學發展觀the scientific viewpoint of development

15.中央預算內經常性建設投資the investment form the central budget for regular construction

16.財政赤字規模the size of the deficit

17.產業結構優化升級to upgrade the industrial structure

18.裝備製造業the equipment manufacturing industry

19.建設節約型社會to build a conservation-minded society

20.購買力purchasing power

21.即期消費immediate consumption

22.特色經濟economies with local characteristics

23.優勢產業competitive industries

24.資源型經濟the resource-based economies

25.採煤沉陷區sinking land and cave-ins above exhausted mines

26.重要商品糧基地key areas for commercial grain production

27.革命老區old revolutionary base areas

28.掃黃打非to fight unremittingly against pornographic and illegal publications

29.股份制the shareholding system

30.集體經濟the collective economy

31.非公有制經濟the non-public sector of the economy

32.市場準入market access

33.假冒偽劣產品counterfeit and shoddy goods

34.非法傳銷pyramid schemes

35.商業欺詐commercial fraud

36.盜版侵權行為piracy and patent infringement

37.洗錢money laundering

38.市場多元化戰略the strategy of market diversification

39.群眾對......等問題反映比較強烈people have strong complaints about ......

40.退耕還林to return farmland to forests