聽美劇學英語17期:You need to get used to being alone

Hello,這裡是地道英語,我是W!今天這個音頻來自Desperate Housewives的第一季第5集。這段對話來自Bree和Rex,發生在Rex離家出走住進賓館之後,有一天孩子們要去露營,身為老爸的Rex來送孩子們去坐大巴。這是發生在兩個成年人之間的對話,用詞精準,很多細膩的小情感因素在裡面,希望大家注意。快來跟W一起看看裡面地道的英語表達吧!

Rex: Hey. 嗨。

Bree: Hi! 嗨。

Rex: Kids ready? 孩子們準備好了嗎?

Bree: Almost. Thanks again for driving them to the bus. 差不多了,再次謝謝你能送他們去坐公共汽車。 thank for: 因某事感謝 drive: 駕駛、開車

Rex: Happy to do it. I miss them. 樂意效勞,我很想他們。miss: 想念、惦念

Bree: Did you hear there was a break-in at Mrs. Fome's the other night? 你聽說了一天晚上有人闖進 From 夫人家的事嗎?hear: 聽到、聽見 break-in: 強行非法闖入

Rex: Yeah. I heard they didn't take anything. 我聽說他們什麼都沒偷。

Bree: Well that doesn't make it any less frightening. I mean, he could have been a sexual predator. 這並不說明沒什麼危險。他可能是個強姦犯。frightening: 令人恐懼的、駭人的 sexual: 兩性的、性慾的 predator: 掠奪者、捕食者

Rex: What? And he

ended up at Mrs. Fome's? That would have been a lose-lose situation.而他選擇了From 夫人?那可真是什麼都撈不到。end up: 到達、來到、結束 lose-lose: 雙輸的 situation: 局面、事態

Bree: Oh, Rex! That's not the point. The point is I don't feel safe here, and I was wondering if you would spend the night. Rex,這並不是關鍵所在。關鍵是我覺得不安全,我希望你晚上能留下。

point: 要點、核心問題 wonder: 想知道,懷疑 spend: 花費、度過

Rex: You're in the NRA, you own like four guns! If somebody broke in I'd expect you to protect me. 你可是全國步槍協會的,你有四把槍。要是有人闖入,我還指望你保護我呢。

NRA: National Rifle Association:全國步槍協會 own: 擁有 expect: 期望、盼望 protect: 保護、防衛

Bree: Rex, the truth is, with the kids gone,I'll be all by myself

in this house for the first time in seventeen years. Rex,事實是孩子們走了,只留下我一個人在家,17 年來這是第一次。

truth: 事實、確實 all by myself: 獨自的 for the first time: 首次、初次

Rex: Honey, I know it's hard to hear, but the marriage counseling may not work out. You need to get used to being alone. 親愛的,我知道這聽起來很難受,但婚姻顧問可能不起作用。你應該學會習慣一個人生活。marriage: 婚姻、結婚 counseling: 諮詢 work out: 解決、找到方法 get used to: 習慣於 alone: 單獨的、孤單的

Bree: You're right. That was hard to hear. 好吧,聽起來確實很難過。

Rex: What are you doing? 你幹什麼?

Bree: That is for the kids' trip. 這是給孩子旅行時吃的。trip: 旅行、遠足

Rex: Oh, come on! I'm staying in a motel! I haven't had a decent meal in weeks. 別這樣,我一直住在汽車旅館,好幾周沒吃過像樣的飯了。come on: 拜託 stay: 停留、停止 motel: 汽車旅館 decent: 還好的、尚可的 meal: 餐、飯

Bree: Honey, the marriage counseling might not work out, you need to get used to bad cooking.

親愛的,婚姻顧問可能不起作用,你需要習慣難吃的食物。 cooking: 烹飪、烹調

碎碎念時間,選擇這段視頻也是因為心疼Bree,視頻在Rex說完那句I miss them 之後停頓了一下,以前我不懂,現在我終於知道Bree在等一句始終沒有等到的I miss you too。知足,珍惜和感激送給天下所有的有情人。


break-in / frightening / sexual predator / end up / lose-lose situation / marriage counseling / decent meal