SCI论文投稿指南1-Cover Letter


投稿信(Cover Letter)一般为简述所投稿件的核心内容主要发现和意义拟投期刊,对稿件处理有无特殊要求等(如“not to review” list)。另外,请附上主要作者的中文姓名通讯地址话、传真和e-mail地址。此外有的杂志要求推荐几位审稿人及其联系方式,以及谁已经阅读过该文(最好写专业领域类的知名专家、大牛)。

一般来说,杂志通常要求说明你论文研究的意义,以及与这个杂志的相关性,另外还有的可能要写明你没有一搞多投等,此外临床实验要求写明符合伦理学要求。当然各个杂志的具体要求是不一样的,在杂志的guide for authors一般会有要求。如果没有具体的要求,大家可按照通用要求处理。

Cover Letter模板:

Dear Editors:

We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled “Paper Title”, which we wish to be considered for publication in “Journal Name”. No conflict of interest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and manuscript is approved by all authors for publication. I would like to declare on behalf of my co-authors that the work described was original research that has not been published previously, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part. All the authors listed have approved the manuscript that is enclosed.

In this work, we evaluated …… (简要介绍一下论文的创新性). I hope this paper is suitable for “Journal Name”.

The following is a list of possible reviewers for your consideration:

1) Name A E-mail: ××××@××××

2) Name B E-mail: ××××@××××

We deeply appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we look forward to receiving comments from the reviewers. If you have any queries, please don't hesitate to contact me at the address below.

Thank you and best regards.

Yours sincerely,


Corresponding author:

Name: ×××

E-mail: ××××@××××