



• 在外面過夜

• 參加男女玩伴聚會

• 參加校園戲劇演出

• 抱怨不能參加校園戲劇演出

• 看電視或玩電腦遊戲

• 選擇自己喜歡的課外活動

• 任何一門功課的學習成績低於“A”

• 任何一科拿不到第一名(體育和戲劇除外)

• 演奏除鋼琴或小提琴以外的樂器

• 在某一天沒有練習鋼琴或小提琴









Sophia Chua-Rubenfield(蔡思慧)是哈佛和耶魯的畢業生,她也是美國作家Amy Chua(蔡美兒)的女兒,蔡美兒也被稱為“虎媽”。Sophia從小在虎媽式教育下長大,母親強迫她儘可能地獲得學業上的成功。

Sophia Chua-Rubenfeld is a graduate student at Harvard and Yale, she is also the daughter of writer Amy Chua who is also known as ‘The Tiger Mom’. Sophia was raised using the tiger parenting technique which pushes children to be as academically successful as possible.


Clearly, the philosophy works, Sophia recently became a doctor of Law at Yale law school. On her private blog, Sophia shared tips on how to study like a Harvard student.


Preliminary Steps

1. 選擇自己感興趣的課程,這樣學習才不會像做苦役。如果你自己不想學習,那麼誰都沒辦法幫你。

Choose classes that interest you. That way studying doesn't feel like slave labor. If you don't want to learn, then I can't help you.

2. 交一些朋友,見步驟12、13、23、24。

Make some friends. See steps 12, 13, 23, 24.


General Principles

3. 高效學習。

Study less but study better.

4. 儘量避免大腦處於潛意識“自動駕駛”狀態。

Avoid Autopilot Brain at all costs.

5. 含糊不清很不好,這是在浪費時間。

Vague is bad. Vague is a waste of your time.

6. 寫下來。

Write it down.

7. 振作起來,全力以赴,完成它。

Suck it up, buckle down, get it done.


Plan of Attack Phase I: Class

8. 按時上課。這樣更有意義而且從長遠看更節省時間。

Show up. Everything will make a lot more sense that way, and you will save yourself a lot of time in the long run.

9. 手寫筆記。雖然我也不清楚這背後的科學,但是用手做任何事情都是一種幫助將其刻入記憶中的方式。

Take notes by hand. I don't know the science behind it, but doing anything by hand is a way of carving it into your memory.


Phase II: Study Time

10. 離開圖書館。在圖書館裡耗時間並不能豐富你的知識儲存。在圖書館刷8個小時的手機,本質仍然是玩了8個小時手機。還有一些人會帶著食物和毯子去圖書館,並且只有考試周才會去圖書館。這樣還不如回家洗澡,還可以在洗頭的時候進行自我測試。

Get out of the library. The sheer fact of being in a library doesn't fill you with knowledge. Eight hours of Facebooking in the library is still eight hours of Facebooking. Also, people who bring food and blankets to the library and just stay there during finals week start to smell weird. Go home and bathe. You can quiz yourself while you wash your hair.

11. 每天定個小目標,但不要讓它佔據一整天時間。比如“今天下午我要讀一章節書,做一半習題,然後再去健身房。”一般要優於“現在開始,我要儘可能地多讀書。。。。。。現在已經午夜了,我看到第五頁了,但是我又餓又困,好想吃東西休息。”

Do a little everyday, but don't let it be your whole day."This afternoon, I will read a chapter of something and do half a problem set. Then, I will go to the gym" ALWAYS BEATS "Starting right now, I am going to read as much as I possibly can... oh wow, now it's midnight, I'm on page five, and my room reeks of ramen and dysfunction."

12. 給自己一點刺激。陷入學習的深淵真的很糟糕。如果你知道自己6個小時內要出門,更有可能會完成一些事情。

Give yourself incentive. There's nothing worse than a gaping abyss of study time. If you know you're going out in six hours, you're more likely to get something done.

13. 如果被抓到玩手機,允許朋友沒收它。有時候你覺得自己需要休息,實際上其實不需要。

Allow friends to confiscate your phone when they catch you playlng Angry Birds. Oh and if you think you need a break, you probably don't.


Phase III: Assignments

14. 停止畫重點。有些人很喜歡用熒光筆把重點畫出來,覺得這樣可以幫助自己專注,但實際上這會讓大腦潛意識進入“自動駕駛”狀態,慢慢會走神,無意識地向下看,然後突然發現有幾頁自己不記得是否讀過。作為替代,請在空白處寫下備註。

Stop highlighting. Underlining is supposed to keep you focused, but it's actually a one-way ticket to Autopilot Brain. You zone out, look down, and suddenly you have five pages of neon green that you don't remember reading. Write notes in the margins instead.

15. 自己的作業自己做。抄作業的人什麼都學不到。

Do all your own work. You get nothing out of copying a problem set.

16. 儘可能地多閱讀。不要試圖用Sparknotes作弊。

注:Sparknotes 網絡學術研究工具

Read as much as you can. Stop trying to cheat with Sparknotes.

17. 做聰明的閱讀者而不是機器人。問自己一些問題,比如“作者試圖證明什麼?”“論證的邏輯進展是什麼?”。通常可以通過閱讀每章的提綱和結束語來回答這些問題。然後,挑選任何兩個例子/軼事,並把它們記下來(寫下來)。它們將幫助你之後重新構建作者的論點。

Be a smart reader, not a robot. Ask yourself: What is the author trying to prove? What is the logical progression of the argument? You can usually answer these questions by reading the intoduction and conclusion of every chapter. Then, pick any two examples/anecdotes and commit them to memory(write them down). They will help you reconstruct the author's argument later on.

18. 不要什麼都讀,但要理解自己所讀的所有。最好對有限的材料有深入地理解,而不是對整個課程有一個模糊的理解。再次重申:含糊不清很不好,這是在浪費時間。

Don't read everything, but understand everything that you read. Better to have a deep understanding of a limited amount of material, than to have a vague understanding of an entire course. Once again: Vague is bad. Vague is a waste of your time.

19. 總結要點。

Bullet points.


PhaseIV: Reading Period (Review Week)

20. 再次重申:不要去圖書館耗時間。

Once again: do not move into the library.

21. 你不懂的東西,考試一定會考。解決方法是看教材或者上網搜索。

If you don't understand it, it will definitely be on the exam. Solution: textbooks; the internet.

22. 做所有練習題,這個方式真的很虎媽style。

Do all the practice problems. This one is totally tiger mom.

23. 人們通常看不上死記硬背。但即使是哈佛這樣的知名學府,也會要求學生背公式、名字和日期。為了有效記憶,不要再一遍又一遍讀筆記,這沒什麼用。大聲說出來並且用筆寫下來,還可以和朋友相互提問。

People are often contemptuous of rote learning. Even at great intellectual bastions like Harvard, you will be required to memorize fomulas, names and dates. To memorize effectively: stop reading your list over and over again. It doesn't work. Say it out loud, write it down. Remember how you made friends? Have them quiz you, then return the favor.

24. 讓朋友傾聽自己解釋一個較難的概念,這會強迫我們闡述自己的理解,請記住, 含糊不清一點都不好。

Again with the friends: ask them to listen while you explain a difficult concept to them. This forces you to articulale your understanding. Remember, vague is bad.

25. 有大局觀。試著找出某個具體概念在課程中的整體定位。這會幫助我們挖掘大主題(每門課程都有大主題),精簡我們需要知道的內容。你可以學到無數事實,但除非明白它們是如何結合在一起的,否則就錯過了重點。

Go for the big picture. Try to figure out where a specific concept fits into the course as a whole. This will help you tap into Big Themes-every class has Big Themes- which will streamline what you need to know. You can learn a million facts but until you understand how they fit together, you're missing the point.

Phase V: Exam Day


26. 戰勝考試,拿到A。

Crush exam. Get A.