
另一段视频中,一名手持相机男子则感叹, “我破坏了六千年的(原始地貌)”。

In another video, a man bragged to the camera, saying: "I damaged the landform that was formed 6,000 years ago."


Another suspect who filmed the video was seen trampling the land and kicking the sand with his bare foot.


After the video clips were widely circulated online, it immediately triggered widespread outrage as many netizens strongly criticized the tourists' offensive behaviors.

"These tourists has brought immeasurable losses to the geopark after they damaged the Danxia landform," commented a user @laotandianshang on Weibo, China's Twitter-like platform.

"That's brutal! It took tens of millions of years for the Danxia landform to be formed. I've already seen some immoral tourists damaging the landscape when I visited there several days ago and the local security couldn't eliminate such incidents by just warning them. I hope local authorities could increase the penalties!" commented another user @woshidapengsky on Weibo.


Local authority noticed the issue as soon as the video went viral and released an announcement on Tuesday, saying that an investigation was launched and efforts were being made to hunt the suspects, and a group of experts was called to detect the damage.


Investigators discovered that the four suspects didn't enter the geopark through an official entrance and the area they visited was not opened to the public, Yuan Deping, director of the geopark told Beijing News. He added that the area was initially protected by the guard rails, however, some parts of the rails were discovered damaged.



