

第一套人民幣(The first series of RMB)是在中國共產黨的領導下、中國人民解放戰爭勝利進軍的形勢下,由人民政府所屬國家銀行在1948年12月1日印製發行的唯一的法定貨幣。


The first set of RMB (The first series of RMB) is the only legal currency printed and issued by the National Bank of the people's Government under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the victory of the Chinese people's Liberation War.

On the subject matter, we choose the pattern of economic construction and the life of the people in the new society at that time, and vividly show the political, life, culture and society of the people in our country's Liberation and the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China, and make people understand that under the leadership of the party, the people of all ethnic groups all over the country work together, struggle hard and build a new China and new people to build a new China. The society is in full swing and passionate years.




The first set of renminbi was the only legal tender printed and issued by the newly established head office of the people's Bank of China in December 1, 1948.

In 1948, with the smooth progress of the people's Liberation War, the scattered Jiefang District quickly became one. In order to adapt to the development of the situation, a kind of unified currency was urgently needed to replace the original variety and miscellaneous and inconvenient Jiefang District currency. To this end, in December 1, 1948, the people's Bank of China was established in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, and the unified renminbi was issued on the same day. At that time, comrade Dong Biwu, chairman of the North China People's government, wrote the name of the people's Bank of China for this set of RMB.

In the summer of 1947, the liberation war entered the stage of the victory of our people's Liberation Army. The people's Liberation Army's field troops, with the cooperation of the people of Jiefang District, made great victories. The Jiefang District was further consolidated and developed, and the north, northwest and East China Jiefang District were gradually connected, and the trade links between the Jiefang District and the Jiefang District were made. The exchange of materials has developed increasingly. However, currencies are not uniform and currency parity is not fixed, which has become a major obstacle to economic development and trade, bringing great difficulties to the field army's mobile operations. Therefore, there is an urgent need to change the distribution of currencies in Jiefang District, the complexity of the categories, the difference in prices, the inconvenience of conversion, and the unification of Jiefang District currencies.




In October 24, 1947, the Central Committee of the CPC Central Committee set up a financial office in North China to lead the work of financial affairs in Huabei district. Soon, the Bank of Jin Cha Ji border area ceased to issue, and the Bank of Jiefang District became the unified currency of North China. In January 1948, the northwest Bank of Jiefang District stopped issuing the banknote of the Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia border region, and the northwest peasant bank currency became the unified currency of the Northwest Jiefang District. In October, the bank currency of Beihai in Jiefang District, Shandong, and Jiefang District currencies in North China circulated with each other. In November, Jiefang District Bank of North China unified Beihai currency. Since then, the Bank of Beihai has become the unified currency of Shandong and Jiefang District in Central China. At the end of 1948, in addition to the independent monetary system of Jiefang District, the Central Plains and the northeast of Jiefang District, the three Jiefang District currency unified work in North China, northwest and East China was basically completed.

In order to meet the needs of the development of the situation, further unification of the Jiefang District currency was decided by the people's Government of the people's Government of North China, the people's Government of Shandong, Shanxi Gansu Ningxia and Jinsui, in which the North China Bank of North China Jiefang District, the Beihai bank of Jiefang District in Shandong and the northwest farmer's Bank of the northwestern Jiefang District in the northwest of China were merged in December 1, 1948. The people's Bank of China was established in Shijiazhuang, Hebei. The first general manager Nan Hanchen, deputy manager Hu Jingyun, Guan Xuewen. At the same time, a unified RMB was issued, the first set of RMB issued after the people's Bank of China was founded. The first set of six words of the people's Bank of China on the renminbi was written by Comrade Dong Biwu, chairman of the then North China People's government. The first batch of RMB issued has 10 yuan, 20 yuan and 50 yuan three kinds of coupons, first in North China, Shandong and northwest three big Jiefang District circulation use. Subsequently issued 1 yuan, 5 yuan and 100 yuan three kinds of coupons other Renminbi. Since then, the renminbi of various coupons and layout has been gradually extended to all parts of Jiefang District.

The first set of renminbi was issued on the basis of unification of the currencies of the revolutionary base areas. The issuance of a unified currency has undergone a tortuous process. After the victory of the war of resistance against Japan, the people's Government of Jiefang District carried out the work of unified currency. For example, central China Jiefang District issued a unified central China currency to recover and unify a variety of local currencies with different names and currencies issued by the Anti Japanese base areas opened by the New Fourth Army. Other Jiefang District adopted similar monetary measures. However, the reactionaries of the Kuomintang have launched a comprehensive civil war, and many places in Jiefang District were occupied by the Kuomintang army, and the unified Jiefang District monetary work had to be suspended for the time being when the Jiefang District reactionaries had not yet completed the work of the reactionaries.




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