
一 認識祈使句


“祈使句+並列連詞+陳述句”是一種很常見的句型,其中的並列連詞有and(then)或or else,otherwise等,但比較常用的是and和or。例如:

1. Work hard and you will pass the examination.

2. Hurry up or(else) you’ll be late.


3. If you work hard,you will pass the examination.

4. If you don’t hurry up,you’ll be late.


5. A bit more effort and the problem will be worked out.

二 常考的四個考點



1. Read this story, ______ you will realize that not everything can be bought with money.

2.Don’t turn off the computer before closing all programs, ______ you could have problems.

分析:答案1. and 2. or 。在“祈使句(或名詞詞組)+並列連詞+陳述句”句型中,如陳述句表示的是說話者所希望果時,就用and(then);如陳述句表示的是說話者所不希望的後果時,就用or(else)或otherwise。在這種句型中,通常不得使用其他的並列連詞(如so,therefore或but等)。


3. Close the door of fear behind you,and you ______(see)the door of faith open before you.

4. Ten minutes earlier,and they _______ (catch )the plane.

分析:答案3. will see 4. would have caught 。一般來說,在“祈使句(或名詞詞組)+並列連詞+陳述句”句型中,陳述句中的謂語動詞常用一般將來時表示將來要發生的動作或存在的狀態。但當該句型中的“祈使句(或名詞詞組)”表示非真實條件時,陳述句中的動詞則需要用“would/should/could/might+動詞原形或動詞完成式”。


5.(2016全國Ⅱ卷) …whatever it is, ________ (make) sure it’s a relief from daily stress rather than another thing to worry about.

6.Cheer up! ________ (take)things as they are and you will enjoy every day of your life.

分析:答案5. make 6. Take。此兩題貌似測試非謂語動詞的用法。但仔細地閱讀題幹後,你就會發現此兩題的目的都是考查句型“祈使句(或名詞詞組)+並列連詞+陳述句”。


7._______and the housing problems for low-income families in this area could be settled.

A.If we double our efforts B.Unless we make every effort
C.Make more efforts D.Making greater efforts
8.______,I believe,and you will find the boy is very outgoing.

A.Having a talk with the student B.One talk with the student
C.Given a talk with the student D.If you have a talk with the student

分析:答案7. C 8. B。由於“祈使句(或名詞詞組)+並列連詞+陳述句”句型中的“祈使句或名詞詞組”部分位於該句型之首,因此為了測試考生識別、理解和運用該句型的能力,命題人就會故意增加題乾的長度(如在題幹中加進插人語或加入其他從句等)或在選項中出現諸如非謂語動詞、狀語從句甚至完整的句子等形式,以“混淆視聽”,從而達到迷惑考生的目的。


