

看看有意思的故事,學學地道表達,分析長難句。先從A Short History of Nearly Everything《萬物簡史》開始。這本書從宇宙大爆炸開始講現代科學史,穿插了很多科學家的生平故事,妙趣橫生。本書作者Bill Bryson喜歡用口語化的語言敘述,因而裡面的英語要比一般的原著通俗易懂。今天讀第4章關於觀察金星凌日的片段,與劍橋雅思9 Test 2 閱讀第2篇文章講同樣的事。



It was history's first cooperative international scientific venture, and almost everywhere it ran into problems. Many observers were waylaid by war or sickness or shipwreck. Others made their destinations but opened their crates to find equipment broken or warped by tropical heat. Once again the French seemed fated to provide the most memorably unlucky participants.


Jean Chappe spent months traveling to Siberia by coach, boat and sleigh, nursing his delicate instruments over every perilous bump, only to find the last vital stretch blocked by swollen rivers, the result of unusually heavy spring rains, which the locals were swift to blame on him after they saw him pointing strange instruments at the sky. Chappe managed to escape with his life, but with no useful measurements.



Unluckier still was Guillaume le Gentil, whose experiences are wonderfully summarized by Timothy Ferris in Coming of Age in the Milky Way. Le Gentil set off from France a year ahead of time to observe the transit from India. But various setbacks left him still at sea on the day of the transit - just about the worst place to be, since steady measurements were impossible on a pitching ship.



Undaunted, Le Gentil continued on to India to await the next transit in 1769. With eight years to prepare, he erected a first-rate viewing station, tested and retested his instruments and had everything in a state of perfect readiness.


On the morning of the second transit, 4 June 1769, he awoke to a fine day; but, just as Venus began its pass, a cloud slid in front of the sun and remained there for almost exactly the duration of the transit of three hours, fourteen minutes and seven seconds.


Stoically, Le Gentil packed up his instruments and set off for the nearest port, but en route he contracted dysentery and was laid up for nearly a year. Still weakened, he finally made it onto a ship. It was nearly wrecked in a hurricane off the the African coast. When at last he reached home, eleven and a half years after setting off, and having achieved nothing, he discovered that his relatives had had him declared dead in his absence and had enthusiastically plundered his estate.




1. destination,[ˌdestɪˈneɪʃn],n. 目的地,終點。

Maui is a popular tourist destination. 毛伊島是一個受歡迎的旅遊目的地。

2. swift [swɪft] to do something,迅速做某事,swift形容詞。

They were swift to deny the accusations. 他們迅速否認了這些指控。

3. a year ahead of time,提前一年

Le Gentil set off from France a year ahead of time to observe the transit from India. 勒讓提從法國提前一年出發去印度觀測金星凌日。

4. undaunted,[ˌʌnˈdɔːntɪd],adj. 勇敢的,無畏的,不屈不撓的。

Undaunted by the enormity of the task, they began rebuilding the village. 他們毫不畏懼這項艱鉅的任務,開始重建村莊。

5. in/during somebody's absence [ˈæbsəns],在某人離開時

Ms Leighton will be in charge during my absence. 我不在時由莉頓女士負責。


Jean Chappe spent months traveling [spend time doing sth.] to Siberia by coach, boat and sleigh, nursing [跟traveling並列] his delicate instruments over every perilous bump, only to find the last vital stretch blocked by swollen rivers, the result of unusually heavy spring rains, which the locals were swift to blame on him after they saw him pointing strange instruments at the sky.




