


离群之刺 阿卡丽

Q cost increased. W shroud movement speed increased and now decays. R now targets champions, not direction.

As promised, we've done some major work on Akali that's going live this patch. These changes are the result of her presence in pro play and aim to trim power there more than for every day players. With that in mind, one of the biggest issues we wanted to tackle was the sheer number of options she had when approaching fights or surviving bad situations. She was way too flexible, being able to split push and teamfight, while also not being committed to a specific playstyle (early domination, scaling, etc.).

Q 我流奥义!寒影

消耗: 100/95/90/85/80能量 → 120/115/110/105/100能量

W 我流奥义!霞阵

烟幕中的移动速度: 20/25/30/35/40%移动速度 → 施放后在2秒内衰减的30/35/40/45/50%移动速度

R 我流秘奥义!表里杀缭乱

R1目标: 目标方向 → 以敌方英雄为目标



残月之肃 厄斐琉斯

Q marked enemy attack range no longer infinite.

Giving Aphelios some limitations so he's not shooting enemies all the way to the moon.

Q 月闪(通碧,狙击枪)

攻击被标记敌人射程: 无限 → 1800

沙漠皇帝 阿兹尔

Base mana increased. R number of soldiers increased.

The emperor has seen better days but has the risk of power-tripping, so we're cautiously buffing him.

