
Lesson 4 The double life of Alfred Bloggs

Listen to the tape then answer the question below.
Why did Alf want a white-collar job?



These days, people who do manual work often receive far more money than people who work in offices. People who work in offices are frequently referred to as "white-collar workers' for the simple reason that they usually wear a collar and tie to go to work. Such is human nature, that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white-collar workers. This can give rise to curious situations, as it did in the case of Alfred Bloggs who worked as a dustman for the Ellesmere Corporation.
When he got married, Alf was too embarrassed to say anything to his wife about his job. He simply told her that he worked for the Corporation. Every morning, he left home dressed in a smart black suit. He then changed into overalls and spent the next eight hours as a dustman. Before returning home at night. He took a shower and changed back into his suit. Alf did this for over two years and his fellow dustmen kept his secret Alf's wife has never discovered that she married a dustman and she never will, for Alf has just found another job. He will soon be working in an office. He will be earning only half as much as he used to, but he feels that his rise in status is well worth the loss of money. From now on, he will wear a suit all day and others will call him 'Mr. Bloggs', not 'Alf'.


如今,從事體力勞動的人的收入一般要比坐辦公室的人高出許多。坐辦公室的之所以常常被稱作“白領工人”,就是因為他們通常是穿著硬領白襯衫,繫著領帶去上 班。許多人常常情願放棄較高的薪水以換取做白領工人的殊榮,此乃人之常情。而這常常會引起種種奇怪的現象,在埃爾斯米爾公司當清潔工的艾爾弗雷德.布洛斯 就是一個例子。 艾爾弗結婚時,感到非常難為情,而沒有將自己的職業告訴妻子。他只說在埃爾斯米爾公司上班。每天早晨,他穿上一身漂亮的黑色西裝離家上班,然後換上工作 服,當8個小時清潔工。晚上回家前,他洗個淋浴,重新換上那身黑色西服。兩年多以來,艾爾弗一直這樣,他的同事也為他保守秘密。艾爾弗的妻子一直不知道她 嫁給了一個清潔工,而且她永遠也不會知道了,因為艾爾弗已找到薪職,不久就要坐辦公室裡工作了。他將來掙的錢只有他現在的一半。不過他覺得,地位升高了, 損失點兒錢也值得。從此,艾爾弗可以一天到晚穿西服了。別人將稱呼他為“布洛格斯先生”,而不再叫他“艾爾弗”了。

【New words and expressions 生詞和短語】

manual adj. 體力的 manual=physical

manual work: 體力工作 mental work: 腦力工作

collar n. 衣領

white-collar:白領(do mental work)

bule-collar: 藍領(do manual work)

(get) hot under the collar:怒氣沖天

sacrifice v. 犧牲,獻出

sacrifice one's life for the country; sacrifice time

n. make many sacrifices

privilege n. 好處

=advantage 特權(special right)

犧牲掉自己的好處: sacrifice one's advantage/privilege

特許某人做某事: give sb.the privilege of doing sth.


dustman n. 清潔工

corporation n. 公司
overalls n. 工作服
shower n. 淋浴

secret n. 秘密

keep secret:保密 confidential:機密的

in secret:私下裡 =secretly,in private,privately I was told about it in secret.

in the secret:知道內情 He was in the secret form the beginning

status n. 地位

=social position 社會地位


refer to...as = regard...as 把...看作為
I always refer to him as boolworm(書呆子)

for the simple reason=>for 引導的原因狀語從句
for the reason that比because正式,因此多用於正式文體

human nature人性


His kindness was such that we will never forget him.
=》Such was his kindness...
Such is human nature that we want to get a lot of things free.

be willing to do sth.=be ready to do sth.心甘情願做

give rise to,lead to,cause:引起,惹起=result in
Such conduct might give rise to misunderstandings.
The bad conditions have given rise to a lot of crimes.

in the case of: 至於,就...而言=concerning
Stealing is no shame in the case of him.
in case of:(連)萬一
You should ensure your house in case of fire.


too embarrassed to say:太尷尬而沒有說明
be ashamed of

get married
marry(v.)如果強調動作:He married the girl
如果表示狀態:get married,be married
如果表明和某人已經結婚多長時間了:be married to sb
The old man has been married to his wife for 50 years.


dressed in a smart balck suit---形容詞短語表示一種狀態
He got to work dressed in a beautiful coat.
He left home wearing a smart balck suit.

changed into:換上

Before returning home=Before he returned home
After gettting home,he had a good rest.
Before having dinner,he finished all his homework.

she never will=she will never discover the secret
“will you go to see her?"
“I will never to to see her"/"no ,I never will."

half as much as (he used to)
half(a quarter,twice,three times)as .... as...---表示倍數
I won't marry a man who is twice as old as me.

We got three times as many people as we expected.
This room is about three times as large as that one.
This road is four times longer than that one.
=》This road is five times as long as that one.

is well worth the loss of money
What he obtained is well worth the loss of time.
well 副詞用來加強語氣,修飾形容詞worth

