


3.①—There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well.

—It ________ a comfortable journey.

A.can't be B.shouldn't be

C.mustn't have been D.couldn't have been

②I didn't see her in the meeting-room this morning.She ________ at the meeting.

A.mustn't have spoken B.shouldn't have spoken

C.needn't have spoken D.couldn't have spoken

③Jack ________ yet,otherwise he would have telephoned me.

A.mustn't have arrived B.shouldn't have arrived

C.can't have arrived D.need not have arrived

④Mary ________ be in Paris.I saw her in town only a few minutes ago.

A.mustn't B.shouldn't C.can't D.may not

⑤Susan ________ written a report like this.

A.can have B.mustn't have

C.can't have D.ought not have

評析:上面五道題的評分答案分別為DDCCC。傳統語法認為,表示對某事確有把握的推論或揣測,在肯定句中用 must,在否定句中用can't或couldn't,不能用mustn't。但在現代英語中,有些專家(如夸克等)認為mustn't可用於表示不可能的推測,意為“想必不,準不是”。這在美國英語中尤其常見。《Longman詞典》也持這種觀點。


I can hear the Brown's phone bell ringing but no one is answering it.They mustn't be at home.我聽到布朗家的電話鈴在響,但是沒有人接;他們想必都不在家。(SEFC1A教師用書P.122)

Mr.Green mustn't have received my letter,otherwise he would have replied before now.格林先生想必沒有收到我的信,要不然他在這之前就早已回過信了。(SEFC1A教師用書P.126)

His absence mustn't have been noticed =His absence can't have been noticed.(《新編英語語法》第三版)

4.①—The experiment had failed!

—I suggest you ________ again.

A.try B.trying C.will try D.would try

②Jane's pale face suggested that she ________ ill,and her parents suggested that she ________ a medical examination.

A.be;should have B.was;have

C.should be;have D.was;has

評析:通常認為,suggest作“建議”講時其後的賓語從句的謂語動詞要用虛擬語氣(由should +動詞原形構成,should常可省略)。隨著語言的發展,這種情況下的從句也可根據語境使用其它形式。請看下面的佐證或論述:

I suggest that you don't ask him home for the vacation.(SEFC1A P.55)

Can you suggest how we might tackle the problem?我們怎樣處理這個問題,你能給出個主意嗎?(《牛津高級英漢雙解詞典》,第四版)

He said that he would not be long and suggested that we waited for him.他說他不會去很久,並建議我們等他。(《英語慣用法大詞典》,徐達山,王福禎,北京科學技術出版社)

I suggested that this is done forthwith.我建議此事應立刻去做。(出處同上)

Your niece in the shop suggested I might call and see you.你在商店的侄女建議我來拜訪你。(出處同上)

《英語慣用法大詞典》(徐達山,王福禎,北京科學技術出版社)認為suggest“一般作及物動詞,表示‘建議,提出(作為建議)’,其後接名詞、動名詞或名詞從句。從句中的動詞謂語多由should +動詞原形構成或用動詞原形。後接從句時,謂語有時也有其他形式。”例如:

I suggest that this is done forth with.我建議此事應立刻去做。

Your niece in the shop suggested I might call and see you.你在商店的侄女建議我來拜訪你。

He said that he would not be long and suggested that we waited for him.他說他不會去很久,並建議我們等他。


(1)a.I suggested that he should sell the car.(正式)

b.I suggested that he sells the car.(非正式)

(2)a.I suggested that he should sell the car.(正式)

b.I suggested that he sold the car.(非正式)”


5.The guard at the gate insisted that everybody ________ the rules.

A.obeys B.obey C.will obey D.would obey

評析:選項B是標準答案。但選項C也正確。原來認為, insist作“堅持要,一定要”解時,從句謂語動詞應用虛擬語氣;作“堅持說”解時,通常不用虛擬語氣。


And you insist you will marry her?(Dreiser)

My mother insisted that I went to bed and I had to go.

I must insist that you don't steal.(Macaulay)

其實,在很多場合下是很難分辨出作insist是做“一定要”解還是做“堅持說”解,如以上三例似乎作兩種意義解釋都能講得過去。實際上,在表示“建議、要求、命令、決定、堅持、認為”等動詞之後,that從句多用should +動詞原形型虛擬語氣;在美國英語中,should常常省去。如果從句陳述的是事實,則可不用should形式。請比較以下兩句:

She insisted that the students should talk English with him.

She insisted that the students talked English with him.




6.—Are the two answers correct?

—No,________ correct.

A.no one is B.both are not

C.neither is D.either is not



Neither(one)is satisfactory。兩個都不令人滿意。(《牛津現代高級英漢雙解辭典》)

I like neither of them.他們兩個我都不喜歡。(出處同上)


Both are good.二者都好。(《牛津現代高級英漢雙解辭典》)

Both should make concessions.(張道真《現代英語用法詞典》)

Both candidates were not rejected.兩個候選人不是都失敗了。(費致德《現代英語慣用法詞典》)


I will take either.(張道真《現代英語用法詞典》)

If you go ahead with this,I won't give either of you the slightest help.(出處同上)

I don't agree with either of you on many things.(出處同上)



(段惠彬 原連載於《基礎教育外語教學研究》2002年第9-11期)



