



-I'll be honest every time a new Worlds winner skin line comes out I get kinda mad that they've all got those cool signatures while my SSG Xayah has this.


-sad nautilus noises.


-At least doinb did it for a noble purpose.He picked malph because its the only champ his wife can play.


-I didnt know that and now i have even more respect for the man.


-Fuck Gimgoons skin is so fresh.Love the FPX logo from GP ult.


-By far my favourite, but I'm too stupid to learn GP.Thank you Doinb for Malph I guess.


-I'm disappointed that GP didn't smash his desk.


-Thresh skin just looks like a red chroma from pulsefire.


-hm those look kinda bad to me but maybe its only because the ig skins where so good.I was hoping for a more traditional chinese style.


-I really like the minimalism aspect and Chinese calligraphy touch of the IG skins.



-I always wanted Power Rangers skins in League.Not gonna lie.I fucking love them all.


-I feel like this style suits FPX in a way I really love. They're a wacky, ragtag team that plays the game differently than others, headed by a star player known for his antics. Having their skin line be something kinda silly like this (as opposed to something like the more elegant and refined IG skin line) fits well.


-The backs are cool and everything but I feel like these skins look a lot like other skins that already exist for these champs.


-Outside Malphite there are champs you don't want on your team, rip soloq.


-I dunno about you guys, but I'm getting hella Kamen Rider vibes from these skins.


-The dance that Doinb's skin does on recall is amazing.


-I've been getting into Saint Seiya recently, so these skins really appeal to me.


-Malphite and Gangplank are the best skins definitely getting those.Lee Sin looks like Ezreal especially when he throws his Q.


-Whilst I don't play any of these champs, they all look pretty cool with their super sentai theme.


-Good lord, these skins look amazing. Worlds skins have come so far, the original worlds skins are basically my least favorite skins in the game vs the last few iterations look so damn good. Can't wait for this release.


-That Lee sin skin is so good wtf.


-I don't play any of these champs but the skins are so fucking good :(


-Now I'm really happy about my decision to not buy dark star malph.Nothing can be better than the doinb dance.


-Skins are well-made, gj Riot.



-I like them alot I feel like those are the best skins designed (worlds skins)


-Two of my favorite things, Vayne and cats!Bless you LWX.


-I have mixed feelings.Some of the animations are fantastic, and Lee has a god tier recall, but these feel like 6.5/10 with some 9/10 moments sprinkled in. That's just my opinion though.


-No offence to the skin designers, but I think FPX deserves a lot better.


-As everyone expected they look great due to the phoenix theme, glad they went for the fantasy feel after last SKT win, SSG and IG skins were awesome.


-I actually like the Lee skin, and I think visual clutter will be less of a problem in game, but tbh the vayne skin just looks like firecracker vayne v2.


-G2 skins would have been cooler :D






