











“郁郁层峦夹岸青,"Green hills among the shore,

春溪流水去无声。” spring stream flow silently."

800多年前,More than 800 years ago,

一代大儒朱熹回家乡婺源时,When great scholar Zhu Xi returned to Wuyuan, his hometown,

看到家乡的幽雅景致,seeing the elegant scenery of his hometown,

作了这首脍炙人口的《水口行舟》,he wrote this well-known " boat through water",

成为了千古绝唱。which became the eternal masterpiece.

大家好!Hello everyone!

我是江西省上饶市婺源县委书记吴曙。I am Wu Shu, Secretary of the Wuyuan County Committee of Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province.

下面,请随我一同走进朱子笔下的Please join me in - Wuyuan,

“最美乡村、梦里老家”——婺源。"most beautiful countryside and hometown in dream" written by Zhu Zi.

婺源是唐朝建县,Wuyuan, a county built in the Tang Dynasty,

原属古徽州的“一府六县”之一,is originally one of the "one government and six counties" in ancient Huizhou.

因为生态环境优美、Due to itsbeautiful ecological environment

文化底蕴深厚,and profound cultural heritage,

被外界誉为是“中国最美乡村”。it is praised as "the most beautiful countryside in China" by the outside world.



The Beautiful of Wuyuan in its Famous Hui Culture

这里自古享有“书乡”之美誉,Known as the "hometown of books" since ancient times,

是国家级的徽州文化生态保护实验区,it is the national Huizhou cultural and ecological protection experimental area,

是“三大显学”之一徽学的重要发祥地,and an important birthplace of Huizhou studies, one of the "three prominent studies".

文脉流长、文风鼎盛。It has a long history and a prosperous style.

先后共出了552个进士,A total of 552 scholars have been elected,

孕育了朱熹、and a large number of historical and cultural celebrities such as Zhu Xi,

詹天佑、金庸等一大批历史文化名人;Zhan Tianyou and Jin Yong have been born here.

拥有徽剧、傩舞等5项国家级的非物质文化遗产,It has 5 national intangible cultural heritages, such as Hui opera and Nuo dance,

有汪口、理坑等8个国家历史文化名村,8 famous national historical and cultural villages, including Wangkou and Likeng,

还有篁岭、虹关等28个中国传统村落,and 28 traditional Chinese villages, including Huangling and Hongguan.

古建文物遍布全县,The ancient cultural relics are all over the county

是一个“徽文化大观园”。and is a “Grand View Garden of Hui Culture ”.



The Beautiful of Wuyuan in its Picturesque Original Ecology

这里青山环抱、绿水荡漾,Surrounded by green hills and green water,

森林覆盖率达了82.64%,the forest coverage rate reaches 82.64%,

是国家生态县、it is a national ecological county,

国家重点生态功能区a national key ecological functional area

是中国天然大氧吧,and a natural oxygen bar in China.

空气中的负氧离子的浓度The concentration of negative oxygen ions in the air

每立方厘米高达13万个;is as high as 130,000 per cubic centimeter.

拥有高等植物3000多种,It has more than 3,000 species of higher plants,

有国家一、二级重点保护野生动物60多种,more than 60 kinds of protected wild animals in the first and second grades of the country,

有挂牌保护的古树名木13000多株;and more than 13,000 famous ancient trees under listed protection.

我们婺源还是世界珍稀濒危鸟类蓝冠噪鹛的春夏栖息地,Wuyuan is also the spring and summer habitat of world's rare and endangered birds Garrulax courtoisi,

也是世界最大的野生鸳鸯越冬的栖息地;and the world's largest winter habitat of wild mandarin ducks;

优美的生态环境还孕育了The beautiful ecological environment also gives birth to

红、绿、黑、白、黄五大特色旅游产品,five characteristic tourism products of red, green, black, white and yellow,

成为了游客人人喜爱的商品。which have become popular commodities for tourists.



The Beautiful of Wuyuan in its Good Location in All Directions

这里地处赣、浙、皖三省交界处,Located at the junction of Jiangxi, Zhejiang and Anhui provinces,

是中国黄金旅游圈腹地。it is the hinterland of China's golden tourism circle.

我们境内有两条高速公路,There are two highways

一个小时之内可到达四个机场;and can reach four airports within an hour.

两条高铁在我们婺源十字交汇,The two high-speed trains intersect at Wuyuan.

每天有70多趟火车在婺源停靠,More than 70 trains stop at wuyuan every day,

可以直达“北上广深”等众多的大城市;which can reach many big cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

乘高铁半小时内可以到达3个地级市,It can reach three prefecture-level cities in half an hour

两小时内可以到达4个省会城市,and four provincial capitals in two hours by high speed rail.

“铁公机”的交通方式在婺源全覆盖。The transportation mode of “railway highway and airplane” is fully covered.

可以说,It can be said that

现在的婺源已经成为江西current Wuyuan has become the forefront of Jiangxi

对接长三角docking with the Yangtze River Delta

和海西经济区的前沿阵地,and The Economic Zone on the West Side of the Straits,

未来的婺源发展前景更加广阔。and the future Wuyuan has a broader prospect.



The Beautiful of Wuyuan in its Colorful New Formats

这里是全国唯一的一个以县命名的国家3A级景区,It is the only national 3A scenic spot named after the whole county in China,

这里拥有国家5A级景区1个、with 1 national 5A scenic spot

国家4A级景区13个,and 13 4A scenic spots,

是目前全国4A级以上景区最多的县。which is the largest number of scenic spots above 4A county in China.

生态文化游、Ecological and cultural tourism,

休闲度假游、leisure vocation tourism,

康体养生游、health care tourism,

教育研学游蓬勃发展;education and research tourism flourished.

度假小镇、文化小镇、Holiday towns, cultural towns,

演艺小镇、健康小镇、performing arts towns, health towns

还有体育小镇活力迸发,and sports towns burst into vitality,

带动了我们全县有70%以上的老百姓allowing more than 70% of the people in the county

在家门口吃上了“旅游饭”。to make money from the tourism industry near their homes.

“问渠哪得清如许,"Asked ditch that is clear like this,

为有源头活水来。” for has the source running water."

我们婺源始终坚持人与自然的和谐共生,Wuyuan people always adhered to the harmonious coexistence between humans and nature,

建设生态文明,and built ecological civilization.

先后荣获了中国旅游强县、It has successively won the honor of China's top tourism county,

全国“绿水青山就是金山银山”实践创新基地等、the national practice and innovation base of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets",

30多张“国字号”名片。and more than 30 "national brand" business cards.

“春探人间花海、" View the world flowers in spring,

夏走研学之旅、walk study tour in summer,

秋观红叶晒秋、see read leaves in autumn

冬享徽韵民俗”。and enjoy folk-custom of Hui in winter".

朋友们,Dear friends,

我们相约美丽婺源、we will meet in beautiful Wuyuan

我们相聚梦里老家,and gather in our dreaming hometown.

我和37万热情好客的婺源人民期待着您的到来。I am looking forward to your arrival together with 370,000 hospitable people in Wuyuan.




