
Unit 1 Cultural relics


1. survive 倖免,生存,生還

2. in search of 尋找

3. select 挑選

4. design 設計,圖案,構思

5. fancy 奇特的,異樣的,想象

6. decorate 裝飾,裝潢

7. belong to 屬於

8. in return 作為回報

9. at war 處於交戰中

10. remove 移動,搬動

11. less than 少於

12. doubt 懷疑

13. worth 值得

14. take apart 拆開

15. explode 爆炸

16. sink 下沉,沉下

17. think highly of 高度評價


1.This was a time when the two countries were at war.這是兩國交戰的時期。

2.There is some doubt whether he can win the first prize.他是否能贏得一等獎還有些疑問。

3. Once (it is) heated, the amber can be made into any shape.


4.I would rather stay at home than go out.


Unit 2 The Olympic Games


1. compete 比賽,競爭

2. take part in 參加,參與

3. stand for 代表,象徵,

4. admit 容許,接納,承認

5. as well 也,又,還

6. host 主人;主持,主辦

7. replace 代替

8. charge 收費,控訴

in charge of主管

9. advertise 做廣告,登廣告

10. bargain 討價還價,講條件;便宜貨

11. one after another 一個接一個地

12. deserve 應受(報答或懲罰)

13. electronic 電子的

14. deal with 處理

15. watch over 看守,監視


1.This is important because the more you speak English, the better your English will become. 這是非常重要的,因為你講英語越多,你的英語就越好。

2. He speaks french, and Spanish as well.


3.Women are not only allowed, but (also) play a very important role in the events.婦女們不但被允許參加,而且還在比賽項目中起著非常重要的作用……

4.As time went by, I was made smaller and smaller.隨著時間的推移,我被製造得越來越小。

Unit 3 Computer


1. solve 解決;解答

2. from…on 從…...時起

3. as a result 結果

4. so…that 如此…以至於

5. explore 探索,探測,研究

6. anyhow 無論如何,即使如此

7. goal 目標,球門,得分

8. human race 人類

9. signal 發信號,信號

10. type 類型;打字

11. in a way 在某種程度上

12. arise 出現,發生

13. with the help of 在...的幫助下


1. Personally, I think the team who won first place cheated.


2.From then on, I grew rapidly both in size and in brainpower.從那時起,我在體積和腦容量方面迅速成長。

3. In a way, her English has improved but there is still a long way to go.


4.Charles Babbage is generally considered to have invented the first computer.


Unit 4 Wildlife protection


1. die out 滅絕,消失

2. hunt 打獵,獵取

3. in peace 和平地,安詳地

4. in danger of 在危險中

5. in relief 如釋重負,鬆了口氣

6. burst into laughter 突然笑起來

7. protect…from 保護…免受(傷害)

8. contain 包含,容納;抑制,控制

9. affect影響,感動,侵襲

10. pay attention to 注意

11. appreciate 鑑賞,感激

12. succeed 成功,接替

13. employ 僱傭,利用

14. harm 危害

15. bite 咬,叮

16. come into being 形成,產生

17. inspect 檢查,視察

18. according to 按照,根據


1.She turned round and there was an antelope with a sad face looking at her.


2. More attention should be paid to improving the living condition of farmers.


3. He was dressed in old clothes, while his wife was wearing a very pretty skirt.


Unit 5 Music


1. roll 滾動,搖晃;卷;名單

2. dream of 夢見,夢想

3. to be honest 實話說

4. attach 系,綁,固定,附上

attach …to 認為有……(重要性、意義)

5. form 組成,形成,

6. earn 賺,掙得

7. perform 表演,執行,履行

8. in cash 用現金,有現錢

9. play jokes on 戲弄

10. rely on 依賴,依靠

11. be/get familiar with 熟悉

12. or so 大約

13. break up 打碎,分裂

14. in addition 此外

15. sort out 分類

16. above all 最重要的是,首先


1. Have you ever dreamed of being in front of thousands of people at a concert, with everyone clapping and enjoying your singing?


2. With all the work done, he stood up and stretched.


3.He has experience as well as ability


