behind the wheel 在輪子後面弄啥哩?


我們都知道behind表示位置“在…後”,例如,He's hiding behind a tree. They played football on the lawn behind the house. 這是這個詞的基本含義。除此之外,分享這個詞的另外幾個生動表達。

1 支持,作為後盾

孟晚舟 has the whole nation BEHIND her.

You can lick him. Don't run away. We're all BEHIND you.

2 蹲監獄,吃牢飯 BEHIND bars

The police put him BEHIND bars for theft.

He spent 10 years BEHIND bars.


3 開車,掌舵,當家做主 BEHIND the wheel

Who'll sit BEHIND the wheel today?

The son was chosen to sit BEHIND the wheel after his father's death.

wheel即steering wheel,方向盤。坐方向盤後邊就意味著當司機,引申為“控制、掌控”的意思。

4 BEHIND sb's back 偷偷摸摸、不光明正大

They gossiped about me BEHIND my back.


