



make the both ends meet(出入相抵)


take up much time and energy


The life is upside down


sub-health problems


be back to a normal living pattern


pastime/ relaxation/ entertainment


keep a balance between... and... / a balanced life



1、basic need

2、a high quality life

转我方:the status of physical health/ give more priority to

1、material desire/ make both ends meet

2、so-called personal success/ time & energy

总:sub-health problems/ chornic diseases

结:barely possible/worsening off



In this passage, the author explores the relationship between wealth and health.

According to the author, money plays an important part.

However, physical health can not be ignored in the daily life of many people.

Personally, I agree with this point of view, as can be illustrated in the following.

There is no denying the fact that money could not only meet the basic need for human beings, but also provide people a high quality life.

This statement must have some elements of truth in the modern society,but it must be pointed out that it is of essence that their status of physical health should be given more priority to.

For one thing, due to social pressure or material desire, modern people have to work hard to make both ends meet.

For another thing, for the so-called personal success(所谓的成功), they often take up much time and energy on their daily work or academic studies.

Under these circumstances(在这种情况下), their physical health is more or less affected, accompanied by many sub-health problems and chronic diseases(亚健康问题和慢性疾病). As a result, it is barely possible to seek wealth, because the health is worsening off(正在恶化).


Nothing is more important than solid physical condition.

Without it, people cannot work effectively or develop their career.

It is advised that modern people form a good habit, keeping a balance between work and life.

In addition, they are suggested to take some sport activities to improve their physical health.

This statement might be traditional, but it turns out to be realistic and rational under scrutiny.

