
1.A) It focuses exclusively(adv.唯一地,專一地) on jazz.(它專營爵士樂)

B) It sponsors(v.贊助) major jazz concerts.(它贊助大型爵士音樂會)

C) It has several branches in London.(它在倫敦有幾家分店)

D) It displays albums by new music talents.(它展出新銳音樂人的專輯)

2.A) It originated with cowboys. (它起源於牛仔)

B) Its market has now shrunk(v.縮小).(它的市場現已萎縮)

C) Its listeners as mostly young people.(它的聽眾大多是年輕人)

D) It remains as widespread as hip hop music.(它像嘻哈音樂一樣廣泛傳播)

3.A) Its definition is varied and complicated. (它的定義複雜多樣)

B) It is still going through experimentation. (它仍在實驗階段)

C) It is frequently accompanied by singing. (它常常伴有人聲)

D) Its style has remained largely unchanged.(它的風格基本沒變)

4.A ) Learn to play them. (學習演奏它們)

B) Take music lessons.(上音樂課)

C) Listen to them yourself.(自己聆聽它們)

D) Consult jazz musicians.(諮詢爵士音樂家)

M:Excuse me,where is your rock music section?

W:Rock music?I'm sorry, we're a jazz store. We don't have any rock and roll.

M:Oh, you only have jazz music? Nothing else?

W:That's right. We are the only record store in London dedicated exclusively to jazz. Actually, we are more than just a record store, we have a cafe and library upstairs and a ticket office down the hall,where you can buy tickets to all the major jazz concerts in the city. Also, we have our own studio next door , where we produce albums for up-and-coming artists. We are committed to fostering new music talent.

M:Wow!That’s so cool. I guess there’s not much of a jazz scene anymore, not like they used to be.But here you're trying to promote this great music genre.

W:Yes,indeed.Nowadays,most people like to listen to pop and rock music.Hip pop music from America is also getting more and more popular.So as a result,there are fewer listeners of jazz,which is a great shame because it's an incredibly rich genre.But that's not to say there isn't any good jazz music being made out there anymore-far from it.It's just a much smaller market today.

M:So how would you define jazz?

W:Well,interestingly enough, there’s no agreed-upon(一致同意的) definition of jazz. Indeed, there are many different styles of jazz. Some have singing, but most don’t. Some are electric and some aren’t. Some contain live experimentation, but not always.While there’s no simple definition for it, and while there are many different styles of jazz, you simply know it when you hear it.Honestly, the only way to know what jazz is, is listen to it yourself. As the great trumpet player, Louis Armstrong said, if you gotta ask, you’ll never know.

Q1:What do we learn about the woman's store?

Q2:What does the man say about jazz music?

Q3:What does the woman say about jazz?

Q4:What should you do to appreciate different styles of jazz according to the woman?




