
Why are some languages spoken faster than others?



Were this article written inJapanese, it would be longer. AThai translation, meanwhile, would be shorter. And yet thosereading it aloud, in eitherlanguage or in its original English, would finish at roughly the sametime. This peculiar phenomenonis the subject of new researchwhich finds that languages face atrade-off between complexity andspeed.


In a study published this monthin Science Advances, ChristopheCoupé, Yoon Mi Oh, Dan Dediu andFrançois Pellegrino start byquantifying the informationdensity of 17 Eurasian languages, as measured by the ease withwhich each syllable can beguessed based on the precedingone. Next, they record the rate atwhich 170 native speakers read 15texts out loud. Finally, armed withdata about the informationcontained in a piece of text andthe speed at which it can bespoken, the authors derive therate at which information iscommunicated.

在本月《科学进展》期刊上发表的一篇研究里,联合作者克里斯托夫·库佩、吴尹美(音)、丹·德迪乌和弗朗索瓦·佩莱格里诺采取了如下步骤:首先,他们将欧亚语系下的 17 种语言的信息密度进行量化,方法是衡量根据上一个音节猜出下一个音节的容易程度。接着,他们记录下 170 位各语言母语者朗读 15 篇文本的速度。最后,通过分析单篇文本所含信息量及其朗读速度的相关数据,这些作者获得了相应语言的信息传输速率。

The results suggest that there isan optimal range of speeds withinwhich the brain can processinformation most efficiently. Speakers of simple languagespick up the pace to keepconversations brief. Speakers ofcomplex languages exert moreeffort planning sentences andarticulating syllables, causingdiscussions to drag on. “It is likebird wings,” says Dr Coupé, one ofthe authors, “you may have bigones that need few beats persecond or you have to really flapthe little ones you got, but theresult is pretty much the same interms of flying.”


