
我們常看到“fried”這個詞,例如常吃的肯德基,英語就是“Kentucky Fried Chicken”,即肯德基炸雞,Kentucky其實是個地名,即美國的肯塔基州。那麼,我們來看看外國人說油炸的各種說法吧。


"to fry" is any method whereby some form of oil or fat is used to cook food in a pan over a heat source, and "fried" is anything cooked in this manner.


【短語】take over 表示“接管;接收”。如:I intend you to take over. 我打算讓你來接管。【單詞】fry 動詞原形 [fraɪ] v. 油煎;油炸【單詞】whereby 從屬連詞 [weə'baɪ] adv. 憑藉【單詞】oil 名詞 [ɔɪl] n. 油 v. 塗油;溶化;加油【單詞】fat 名詞 [fæt] n. 脂肪;肥肉;油脂【單詞】cook 名詞 [kʊk] v. 烹調;燒煮【單詞】pan 名詞 [pæn] n. 平底鍋;盤子;盤狀物【單詞】heat 動詞原形 [hiːt] n. 熱度;熱 adj. 熱的【單詞】fried 原型:fry 過去分詞做形容詞 [fraɪ] v. 油煎;油炸【單詞】manner 名詞 ['mænə] n. 方式


It includes both shallow frying and deep frying, the first being when only a thin layer of fat is used, and the second where the whole item to be fired is submerged in fat.


【單詞】includes 原型:include 動詞一般現在時(第三人稱單數) [ɪn'kluːd] vt. 包括;包含;列入【單詞】shallow 名詞 ['ʃæləʊ] adj. 淺的;薄的【單詞】deep 形容詞 [diːp] adj. 深的;深刻的;深奧的;深切的 adv. 深深地【單詞】thin 形容詞 [θɪn] adj. 薄的;瘦的;稀的【單詞】layer 名詞 ['leɪə] n. 層 vi. 分層【單詞】item 名詞 ['aɪtəm] n. 一件物品【單詞】fired 原型:fire 動詞過去分詞 ['faɪə] v. 點燃【單詞】submerged 原型:submerge 動詞過去分詞 [səb'mɜːdʒ] vt. 使浸沒;潛入水中;覆蓋 vi. 浸沒

Often the term "fried" just means "shallow fried".


【單詞】term 名詞 [tɜːm] n. 術語;名詞 vt. 把 ... 稱為




In both frying and boiling, fully cooked eggs are hard in the sense of stiffness .


【單詞】boiling 原型:boil 動詞現在進行式或動名詞 [bɔɪl] v. 沸騰;煮沸 n. 煮沸;翻滾【單詞】fully 副詞 ['fʊli] adv. 十分地;完全地;全部;足足【單詞】stiffness [stɪfnəs] n. 僵硬;硬度

No, this is not true.


When frying eggs, easy and hard are flat adverbs referring to how gently (or not) you flip the eggs.


【短語】refer to 參考,涉及,指的是,適用於【單詞】easy 形容詞 ['iːzi] adj. 容易的;輕鬆的;不費力的;輕微的【單詞】flat 形容詞 [flæt] adj. 平坦的;扁平的;單調的;斷然的【單詞】adverbs 原型:adverb 名詞複數形式 ['ædvɜːb] n. 副詞 adj. 副詞的【單詞】referring 原型:refer 動詞現在進行式或動名詞 [rɪ'fɜː] vt. 把 ... 提交;把 ... 歸因;歸類 vi. 參考;談及;諮詢【單詞】gently 副詞 ['dʒentli] adv. 輕輕地;溫柔地,文雅地,有禮貌地;和緩地;高貴地【單詞】flip 形容詞 [flɪp] vt. 擲;輕擊;彈 vi. 翻轉

"I want my eggs over-easy."


【單詞】over-easy 名詞 over-easy ['əʊvər'iːzɪ] adj. 嫩煎的

"Be gentle with my eggs.


【單詞】gentle 形容詞 ['dʒentl] adj. 溫和的;輕柔的;溫順的;文雅的

Flip them easy.


In other words, flip the eggs in such a way that the egg yolks don't break.


【單詞】egg 名詞 [eɡ] n. 蛋;卵;蛋形物【單詞】break 動詞原形 [breɪk] v. 打碎;弄破裂

(Whether or not the egg yolks ooze when cut into after the eggs have been served depends on how long they have been fried after having been flipped.


【單詞】ooze 動詞一般現在時(除第三人稱單數) [uːz] v. (使)滲出;洩漏;流露 n. 軟泥;滲出物【單詞】cut 動詞一般現在時(除第三人稱單數) [kʌt] v. 切;割;剪;削減;傷害;切牌 n. 切口;切【單詞】served 原型:serve 動詞過去分詞 [sɜːv] v. 服務;侍候;擔任;可作 ... 用;度過;對待【單詞】depends 原型:depend 動詞一般現在時(第三人稱單數) [dɪ'pend] vi. 依賴;依靠;取決於【單詞】whether ['weðə(r)] conj. 是否;不管;無論

Normally, an oozing yolk is the intended result—but it doesn't have to be.)


【單詞】Normally 原型:normally 副詞 ['nɔːməli] adv. 通常;正常地【單詞】yolk 名詞 [jəʊk] n. 蛋黃【單詞】intended 原型:intend 過去分詞做形容詞 [ɪn'tend] vt. 想要;打算;意指

"I want my eggs over-hard."



"Be aggressive with my eggs.


【單詞】aggressive 形容詞 [ə'ɡresɪv] adj. 侵略的;進攻性的;好鬥的;有進取心的

Flip them hard.【譯】用力翻轉。

In other words, flip the eggs in such a way that the egg yolks do break.


(There should never be runny yolks when the eggs are served.


【單詞】runny 形容詞 ['rʌni] adj. 鬆軟的;水分過多的


The yolks will have spread out into the whites when cooked.) Sometimes, people will deliberately break the egg yolks before the eggs are flipped in order to accomplish the same effect.


【用法】in order to 意為“為了……”,表示目的【單詞】spread 名詞 [spred] v. 傳播;展開;散佈;鋪開;伸展;塗撒【單詞】deliberately 副詞 [dɪ'lɪbərətli] adv. 故意地;不慌不忙地【單詞】accomplish 動詞原形 [ə'kʌmplɪʃ] vt. 完成;實現

(Breaking an egg on flipping it is not actually simple.)


【單詞】simple 形容詞 ['sɪmpl] adj. 簡單的;樸素的;單純的;笨的

The description is one that describes the way in which they are flipped over.


【語法】in which ... 是which引導的定語從句,表示“在...裡面”,接近於where;例句:He give me a box in which to keep the toy. 他給了我一個裝著玩具的盒子。【單詞】description 名詞 [dɪ'skrɪpʃn] n. 描述;刻畫;類型;說明書【單詞】describes 原型:describe 動詞一般現在時(第三人稱單數) [dɪ'skraɪb] vt. 描述;說成;形容

(Hence, the over- prefix.)


【單詞】prefix 名詞 ['priːfɪks] n. 前綴;(人名前的)稱謂 vt. 加 ... 作為前綴;置於前面【專有名詞】Hence [hens] adv. 因此;從此以後

Note that a sunny side up egg is one that is fried but never flipped at all.


【單詞】Note 原型:note 動詞原形 [nəʊt] n. 筆記;便條;紙幣;音符;票據;註解;音調 vt. 注意;記錄;註解【單詞】sunny 形容詞 ['sʌni] adj. 陽光充足的;晴朗的;明媚的【單詞】side 名詞 [saɪd] n. 邊;側;邊緣;側面;(多邊形的)邊;(立體的)面;一方;方面;旁邊;家族 adj. 旁的;次要的 v. 站在…的一邊

When boiling eggs, easy and hard are adjectives that describe the texture of the result.


【單詞】adjectives 原型:adjective 名詞複數形式 ['ædʒɪktɪv] n. 形容詞 adj. 形容詞的;不獨立的【單詞】describe 動詞一般現在時(除第三人稱單數) [dɪ'skraɪb] vt. 描述;說成;形容;畫(尤指幾何圖形)【單詞】texture 名詞 ['tekstʃə] n. 質地;手感;口感;組織;結構;紋理;特點 vt. 給予結構

As you say, the words describe the stiffness (generally of the yolk).


【單詞】generally 副詞 ['dʒenrəli] adv. 一般地;通常;普遍地


Boiled eggs are neither over-easy nor over-hard.


【單詞】Boiled 原型:boil 過去分詞做形容詞 [bɔɪl] v. 沸騰;煮沸;激動 n. 煮沸;翻滾;癤

They are not flipped over at all.


They are simply soft or hard as a result of the cooking time.


【短語】as a result (of ...) 結果,因...而...;例句:The plan foundered as a result of lack of finance. 這個計劃由於缺乏資金而失敗。【單詞】simply 副詞 ['sɪmpli] adv. 簡單地;僅僅;簡直【單詞】soft 形容詞 [sɒft] adj. 柔軟的;柔和的;溫和的;不強烈的;輕的 adv. 柔軟地;溫和地 n. 柔軟的東西

