
雙語新吳 | 億利集團無錫總部研發基地項目開工、高新區2019年納稅百強榜單出爐……一週熱點大搜羅




雙語新吳 | 億利集團無錫總部研發基地項目開工、高新區2019年納稅百強榜單出爐……一週熱點大搜羅

雙語新吳 | 億利集團無錫總部研發基地項目開工、高新區2019年納稅百強榜單出爐……一週熱點大搜羅

雙語新吳 | 億利集團無錫總部研發基地項目開工、高新區2019年納稅百強榜單出爐……一週熱點大搜羅

雙語新吳 | 億利集團無錫總部研發基地項目開工、高新區2019年納稅百強榜單出爐……一週熱點大搜羅








雙語新吳 | 億利集團無錫總部研發基地項目開工、高新區2019年納稅百強榜單出爐……一週熱點大搜羅



Construction starts on Yili Group’s Wuxi R&D center


A commencement ceremony for Yili Group’s R&D center headquartered in Wuxi was held on April 1, with Wuxi National Hi-tech District (WND) Director Feng Xiaochun, and Yin Changjing, chairman of the group in attendance.

雙語新吳 | 億利集團無錫總部研發基地項目開工、高新區2019年納稅百強榜單出爐……一週熱點大搜羅


Yili Group is a leading domestic firm specializing in commercial vehicle filtration systems. Covering an area of about 35 mu (2.33 hectares), with a total investment of 300 million yuan ($42.33 million), its planned construction area is to reach about 47,000 square meters. The project will mainly focus on researching and developing new materials and technologies, containing the off-gas treatment system meeting the requirement of "China VI" vehicle emission standards, nanofiltration materials, and high polymer materials, thus finally building a leading new materials R&D center for Asia.

雙語新吳 | 億利集團無錫總部研發基地項目開工、高新區2019年納稅百強榜單出爐……一週熱點大搜羅


Its total revenues are forecast to exceed 500 million yuan after completion, gathering nearly 1,000 talented R&D workers from all over the world, as well as applying for more than 100 high-value patents under approval. At the same time, the projects incubated by the R&D center will also be based in WND for industrialized development, so as to further expand the new materials industry cluster in the district.


WND reveals top 100 tax contributors for 2019

雙語新吳 | 億利集團無錫總部研發基地項目開工、高新區2019年納稅百強榜單出爐……一週熱點大搜羅


The municipal government of WND held a fiscal and taxation work conference on April 1. According to statistics released during the event, the total tax revenues from the top 100 WND enterprises reached 22 billion yuan ($3.1 billion) in 2019, up 6.7 percent year-on-year.

雙語新吳 | 億利集團無錫總部研發基地項目開工、高新區2019年納稅百強榜單出爐……一週熱點大搜羅


The conference also revealed the list of the top 100 taxpaying enterprises in WND in 2019. Among them, top taxpayer of 2018, AstraZeneca continued to contribute the most, paying a total of 3.22 billion yuan. SK Hynix Semiconductor (China) and Bosch took second and third place respectively. And the three companies have also been listed among the top 10 taxpaying companies in Wuxi in 2019.

雙語新吳 | 億利集團無錫總部研發基地項目開工、高新區2019年納稅百強榜單出爐……一週熱點大搜羅


Expats in WND contribute to anti-virus work


Ever since WND was engaged in the fight against COVID-19 Outbreak to restart business, all the foreign friends have taken their active parts by bravely taking up all kinds of duties.

雙語新吳 | 億利集團無錫總部研發基地項目開工、高新區2019年納稅百強榜單出爐……一週熱點大搜羅


Moving examples of foreign friends in WND with their selfless acts abound. Japanese businessmen returned to Wuxi against all odds and took lead in donation to Wuhan to fight the Outbreak there; British volunteers provided service and support to front-line medical workers; Dutch brought back with themselves to WND huge quantities of much-needed goods to fight COVID-19; and Italian managers stayed at their Wuxi factory site organizing employees to resume work amid outbreak preventions, and many more.

雙語新吳 | 億利集團無錫總部研發基地項目開工、高新區2019年納稅百強榜單出爐……一週熱點大搜羅


These foreign friends in WND were the ones to have witnessed firsthand the whole process of work resumption while fighting the virus, felt the joint wisdom and power of Chinese and foreign people in the fight against the common enemy, touched the warmth and candor of support from all government agencies, and were rewarded with confidence and strength to finally win the battle of outbreak containment and work resumption.

瞭解這些外國友人在戰“疫”復工中的精彩瞬間,請點擊: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/p8tTu_7J8I1-1Ko7l7Q9SA

Find out what some of WND’s foreign residents did to help others during the crisis: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/p8tTu_7J8I1-1Ko7l7Q9SA


