
Laszlo B. Tamas, Neurosurgeon with ties to the Bay area and Silicon Valley.

My only surprise is that many people are surprised by the growth curve the U.S. is on. But then most have little understanding of exponential curves.

Breathless media reports that cases doubled over the last 3 days? It’s been doing that since early March - just look at the raw data. Why a recent “explosion” of cases? Because that’s what exponential curves do.

Look at the graph below. There is a “deceptive zone” early on when exponential and linear growth do not appear that different. The average person could feel a (false) sense of security 3-4 weeks ago, if it weren’t for the scientists warnings of what was to come. Now we are seeing the “exponential explosion:”

There is also more testing now than before (though still woefully little). Want an example of how under-reported Covid-19 has been in the U.S.? Let me suggest a number experiment.

On March 26, 249 Americans died of Covid-19. Death usually represents disease contracted about 20 days before. Assume a mortality rate of 1% in the U.S. That means there must have been around 24,900 new cases on or near March 6. Yet officials reported only 74 new cases that day.

in other words, more than 99% of cases would seem to have remained undetected, and free to spread the disease around the country.

American leadership seems to have learned the “ostrich lesson” very well early on: “the less testing you do, the fewer cases you find.”

The “ostrich lesson”, in graphic form:

Hence the surprisingly low number of tests per capita in the U.S.: As for the future, where exactly is the U.S. on the curve? Let me suggest that death rates may be a better index than case rates, since they are less dependent on the degree of testing performed. Let me also present Covid-19 deaths per day, rather than cumulative deaths, and compare it with that of China, Italy and Germany: Now we all know the strict measurers taken to deal with Covid-19 in China. Italy’s criteria for a “Covid-19 death” is somewhat looser than in the U.S., and it has a much older population structure. Meanwhile, Germany has tested widely and from early on.

If we line up the above graphs such that their starting point (“Day 1”) was the first day with >10 deaths in either country, you get:

How far will the U.S. follow Italy’s curve (with a 10–12 day delay)? It’s hard to tell, but I’m pretty sure the worst is yet to come. Cheers!

Laszlo B. Tamas, 與舊金山灣區和硅谷有聯繫的神經外科醫生

















Jeff Little

It looks like cases per day in NY have slowed at the second derivative with the number of new cases only growing from 5k per day to 7k per day over about 4 days.

I am having trouble putting this into context, though. It could be that testing is catching up in that area and it will start declining after another 10 days or it could be that as hospitals get overrun, we will have a second surge and this can balloon out of control.

Any thoughts?




Laszlo B. Tamas

Great observation, and thank you for your Comment Jeff! Perhaps consider looking at Covid-19 deaths. Less sensitive to testing. Can’t think of much else …



Pat McCormack

Small world network spread. You start to run out of new connections. Prof Andrea Cristina mentioned that in Italy it could be 70 % asymptomatic. ( The Italians have eliminated the virus in the city of Võ with mass testing (twice) and quarantine - so it can be done) So far this is the best estimate if base rate infections that I can find.

We desperately need to know the base rate for other statistics to be useful.

A big test here in Spain has stalled as the test kits from China were rubbish. They only tested correctly 30% of the time. Going to set us back ten days of do which is an age in this situation.

Andrea Cristina教授提到意大利70%的感染者可能都沒有症狀。(意大利人通過大規模檢測和隔離清除了Vo市的病毒,所以病毒是可以解決的)


Roberto Cazzaro

One thing worth keeping in mind is that hypertension, obesity and diabetes are the 3 leading causes of co-morbidity for COVID-19. And the USA is the worldwide leader for all 3.

So it’s entirely possible that death rates in the USA will be higher than other countries. Which is what makes creating good estimates hard. What is clear is that between Thursday and Saturday this week, deaths doubled from 1000 to 2000, so the growth is really scary



Sam Johnson

However, I think Italy will still hold that record. They have a very high elderly population, and most of the population smokes, which has a high correlative risk factor for death with Covid.


Roberto Cazzaro

The biggest problem in Italy (beyond the two you mention which are absolutely true, even if smoking is not as much a problem as in the past) is that most of the outbreak happened in a relatively small area and hospitals were swamped. So they had to start triaging relatively early. Older people and people with co-morbidity need a respirator for 2-3 times as long as healthier people, are more likely to die anyway and their outcomes are much worse even if they survive, with reduced quality of life. So given the choice to save 3 people or possibly one with the same resources, the decision is obvious, even if terrible.

An older people in Italy didn''t die because they were old, but because they were more likely to have hypertension and other pre-existing conditions. The healthy older people did just fine, with recently a 101 and 102 years old recovering just fine.

Pre-existing conditions kill, not age. Which doesn''t bode well for the USA. Also, even if Italy has fewer ICU beds than the USA, it has more hospital beds and more doctors and nurses. More than 20% of Italian doctors got sick and unable to work. ICU rooms with no specialists are not very useful, and the skills needed to intubate and monitor COVID-19 patients is very high and hard to find.

And American doctors are having much more trouble getting enough PPE than Italian doctors had at a similar time in the outbreak (now they are struggling, too)

So, I still think that there is a good shot of being, in the best of Trump''s tradition “America first”






TJ Berens

As the US is over 100k cases now, the chart needs to be upxed…. after all, its now March 28, two days after the above chart ends… as the chart ends at only 12k cases



Geoffrey Verity Schofield, Health Consultant at Fitttle.com

I think the answer is, quite obviously, yes.

In a few days, NYC alone will have more cases than all of China did, despite China…having a much larger and much more dense populationbeing the epicenter of the diseasehaving to be the first responder (sequence the genome, etc)it occurring during the time of the year where hundreds of millions of people are travelingMany places are still very much “icebergered” with a lot of cases undetected. China at least had an epicenter, meaning they could track people traveling from there. But this is now everywhere in America, there are dozens of new epicenters. Very little is being tracked.

Furthermore, many people are not, in technical terms, “staying the fuck at home”.

I got in an argument with someone on Instagram (like a moth to the flame, I am) who argued that everyone should go back to work immediately. President Trump wants to pack the churches for Easter.

The Mississippi governor said that he won’t issue a stay at home order, because “America is not China”.

Well, he’s right about that. It’s gonna be way worse.

In the past ten days, cases in Mississippi have gone from 50 to over 600 — and that rate of growth is the norm.

At the root of this problem is choosing economics over health.

Numbers on a screen or report over people.

Some more quotes:“155,934 people tested in New York State” (with 50,000 cases. Safe to say there are a LOT more cases that have been missed)“Need a total of 40,000 ICU beds. Currently have 3,000, with 3,000 ventilators. An additional 37,000 ICU beds are needed”“"We''ve procured about 7,000 ventilators. We need, as a minimum, other 30,000 ventilators. This is a critical and desperate need for ventilators [..] We need them in 14 days. Fema is sending 400 ventilators only. Federal action is needed to address this now through the Federal Defense Production Act"”“We need a faster testing process. Can''t wait 5 days as it is now. Other countries now also have home tests. We should do the same”So, the testing is slow, the incubation period is long, and the peak is 2–3 weeks away. Buckle up.

Follow me on Instagram for daily diet and training tips! Subscribe to my YouTube channel for longer form, informative content. Or both. Keep that immune system strong :)

Geoffrey Verity Schofield, Fitttle.com健康顧問


再過幾天,紐約的病例就會比全中國的病例都多,儘管中國:1.人口多得多,密度大得多;2.疾病的中心;3. 不得不成為第一反應者(對基因組進行排序等);4. 它發生在一年中數以億計的人旅行的時候。







死亡人數甚至更多——超過半數的死亡發生在過去3天內。紐約州州長 Andrew Cuomo表示,距離頂點還有14-21天。







Carl Jacobson

In terms of New York City - the mayor didn’t shut down schools and businesses until it was too late. His own staff were in revolt against his lack of action. Finally, he issued the closures, but it was too late. The infection rates are the highest in the nation. California is a little better - but not that much. There is so much population movement here, especially from Asia, that we’re going to be a major infection epicenter, regardless of any preventive actions.



Geoffrey Verity Schofield

Yea…travel bans do not work. Only one person slipping through can infect thousands. They do delay the peak, but we didn’t use that time to prepare, so it didn’t matter.


Krister Sundelin, UX Writer at HiQ Göteborg (2011-present)

Note how the total cases or the daily new cases haven’t even started to slow down. So the infection spread is accelerating, and will continue to do so for some time.

On top of that, there’s the incubation time. There are all these people infected who don’t know it yet. Whatever you do now to stop or alleviate the pandemic will not have any effect until at least seven days, so the new cases curve will not change for at least that time.

Now remember that the death curves lags about 14 days behind. People contracting covid-19 now will start dying in about 14 days. So, rough estimate, seven days before any isolation takes effect. Then at least another seven days until the inflection happens and new cases start to drop off. And then another 14 days until deaths start to drop off.

Sum it up, and you have at least a month of hell before you.

And that’s the best case scenario.

“How can it get worse than that?” I hear you ask. Hospitals are already screaming for resources and supplies, and states and counties have started a bidding war on the little supplies there is. Many counties have said that they have supplies for a few days, maybe a week. Then they’re out.

And when that happens, corona patients cannot be treated. And that means that many patients, who would survive if they had care, will not. That will increase the deaths even more. Cases who could have remained minor cases with hospital care will now become severe cases. Severe cases who would have remained severe cases with proper care will now be critical cases. And critical cases who could have been saved … may no longer be saved.

On top of that, corona patients compete with resources from all other cases, and they will not simply stop. People will still need trauma care, cancer treatments, dialysis and so on, but now hospitals will not have the resources to care for all of those either because of corona.

Michael Feely, Lived in the United States most of my life, know some of its history.

The US has only, barely, begun to bend the curve, and the US’s curve has been seeing a more rapid spread of SARS-CoV2 than Italy almost the whole time. And we know how many dead Italy’s infection curve left in its wake. It takes a large absolute number of people to overwhelm the greater capacity of hospital beds in our larger country with a larger population, but there is no reason to believe the US in aggregate won’t hit that point and NYC is beginning to hit it now. Add in the US’ relatively low number of tests administered, and the curve here is realistically even steeper than it looks from the plot of known positives. And it typically takes 5–9 days or so to develop symptoms, and another week or two to recover (or not) so there are a lot of illnesses and deaths baked in from before states started issuing lock downs.

So it’s going to get worse. Quite a lot worse. Especially as more of the frontline people who are fighting like hell for all of us in the hospitals, clinics, and ambulances get sick.

I keep expecting to open up a news page and see a headline that just says “We’re Fucked”

Original question:

Is the worst yet to come with Covid-19 in the U.S.?

Michael Feely, 我在美國生活了大半生,瞭解了一些美國的歷史。





Franklin Veaux, Professional Writer

Answered Sun · Upvoted by Robert Hampton, MD Medicine and Healthcare, Emory University (1976) and Aishik Kundu, MBBS Medical School & Medicine and Healthcare, Medinipore Medical College (2022)

Here’s a quick riddle to illustrate how most people really, really don’t understand exponential growth:

Lilly pads are growing on a pond. Every day, the amount of pond they cover doubles. It takes 30 days for the lily pads to cover the entire pond. How long does it take them to cover half the pond?

Answer: 29 days.

They double every day. On day 29 they cover half the pond; on day 30 they double and cover the whole pond.

That’s how exponential growth works. It starts out very small. So small you don’t notice. Doo bee doo, nothing happening, nothing to see here, nothing happening, then all of a sudden, wham! It’s everywhere.

Human beings are used to living in a world where things happen more or less linearly, not exponentially. Our intuition doesn’t work for exponential growth.

Here’s another example: Take a chess board. Put a penny on one square. Put two pennies on the second square, then four pennies on the third square, then eight pennies, then 16, then 32, then 64, then 128 (at this point you’re only up to a dollar and twenty-eight cents), then 256, 512, then 1024.

It takes eleven squares just to hit $10. But here’s the thing…when you get to the last square, you have more money than exists in all the world’s economies combined…by five orders of magnitude.

Yes, the worst is yet to come.

Franklin Veaux, 職業作家









