quora: 如果中印巴成为盟友,会带来什么影响

What if India, China and Pakistan were allies? How would our countries and economies be different from what we see now?


quora: 如果中印巴成为盟友,会带来什么影响

Bhupinder Singh, Indian

Interesting question.

If that happens, the entire power of the world will shift to Asia. These 3 countries will rule the world on the basis of economy, population, land space, manufacturing.

  • China, Pakistan and India all three will become leader in -

oPopulation - China, Pakistan and India together will account for 39% approximately of total world population.

oLand Space - All three nations will stand at third position in land area of entire world’s nation after Russia and Antartica. (Countries of the World)

oMilitary spending - The Military spending will be at second spot.

oNuclear power - All three nations will comprise total of 500 nukes and will rank third after USA and Ruusia. (List of states with nuclear weapons - Wikipedia)

oArmed forces - All three nation collectively will be top in the rank of armed forces.

  • India, Pakistan and India, China wont spend billions to counter border tension.
  • There will not be insurgency in J & K.

The alignment in the business, culture, diversity and education have been so phenomenal that world may look for this nucleus of the world. The new chapter of economics will arise as two top nations in the GDP will start catering the entire world’s need.








  • 印度、巴基斯坦和中国不在需要花费数十亿来应对边境紧张局势。
  • 克什米尔地区将没有叛乱。


Sayyam Luhadiya, Loves to be Indian

Well I was waiting for this question to come. The present condition where the three nations are hanging is quite difficult for them to ally. Geographically they are close but politics seperates them. The three nations have linked historic relations and moreover geographical benefits can act as a concrete factor to unite them.


This is the map of what I think about the diplomatic condition of India, China and Pakistan. (Created by Create Custom Map | mapchart )

Let's discuss some points with respect to India, China and Pakistan and then to the rest of the World that how the new alliance would be beneficial or will be a major disconcern.


For India, China and Pakistan



1.India's as permanent member in UN Security Council

  • China's veto power is blocking the way of India would now be happily acceptable as it was the only permanent member denying India's proposal. India would enter as the next permanent member in UN security council.


  • 中国的否决权是唯一阻止印度成为常任理事国的,结盟后中国将不再反对,印度将成为联合国安理会下一个常任理事国。

2.More influence on SCS

  • New allaince power may work for China in respect of South China Sea. The influence of India and Pakistan will act as an essential tool for China to held its control.


  • 新联盟可能会在南海问题方面为中国效力。印度和巴基斯坦的影响将成为中国控制的该地区重要工具。

3.Solving water scarcity problem

  • China is facing water scarcity problem over north China and India is receiving imbalance of water supply from river Brahmaputra. The solution of water scarcity might be resolved by the tri-power in the future.


  • 中国北方面临水资源短缺问题,而雅鲁藏布江水资源供应对印度来说不均衡。未来,解决水资源短缺问题的办法将由“三方”来解决。

4.Dealing with the energy crises in Pakistan

  • The Energy Crises in Pakistan could be solved by transferring a certain amount of lifelines of India and China's economy to Pakistan. This will increase the GDP of Pakistan and develop the country.


  • 通过印度和中国的经济支持,巴基斯坦的能源危机可以得到解决。这将增加巴基斯坦的GDP,使其得以发展。

6.Geographical boundaries dispute will be a history

  • The geographical boundaries issue of Kashmir will now be a history. No more quarrel which would strengthen the ties amongst tri-nation.


  • 克什米尔的地理边界问题将成为历史。不再有争端,这将加强三国之间的关系。

7.Reduction in terrorism

  • Three of the countries, with their powerful armies may romove terrorism from the root and will prevent humanity from destruction.


  • 三国强大的军队可能根除恐怖主义和保护人民免受其害。

8.New world of economy

  • The three Asian economies will combine and thus make reforms accordingly. This could be the biggest economic union history ever had.


  • 三个亚洲经济体将结合,从而做出相应的改革。这可能是有史以来最大的经济联盟。



1.Influence of Chinese economy

  • Chinese economy, being the largest amongst three, could influence the other two nations and may cause a disgraceful situation, mainly for Pakistan.


  • 中国经济是三个国家中最强,可能会影响其他两个国家,主要是对巴基斯坦。

2.Supreme powers relationship

  • This point is for India. The diplomacy India had with USA, Russia and other super powers may now will be compressed to a single state called China because a sense of power-to-power condition amongst whole world will arise for the alliance.



3.Loss to Pakistan

  • It would be a difficult time as Pakistan would act as a second part and the priority will be given to India and China.


  • 对于巴基斯坦来说,这将是一个艰难的时期,印度和中国的利益将优先考虑,而巴基斯坦则排在第二位。

For rest of the world



1.Distribution of Economic Powers

  • World will now turn themselves to see another econiomic powers like USA and Japan and new era of world economics will start and surely be beneficial.


  • 世界将看到类似美国和日本等经济强国的崛起,世界经济新时代的开始肯定是对其他国家有益的。

2 Nations with alliance get benefit

  • Nations working with alliance or helping the alliance will get some benefits in terms of country matters as because of the indirect power of alliance over whole countries.


  • 由于联盟对其他国家的间接影响,与该联盟合作的国家将在国家事务方面获得一些好处。

3.Balance of Big Powers

  • The USA, Japan and other countries alliance will get a competition with the new alliance and will distribute Powers.


  • 美国,日本和其他国家联盟将获得一个新联盟进行竞争,权力将重新分配。


1.Problem to other South-Asian Countries

  • The rest South Asian countries like Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Myanmar will be ignored by the powers which will be not what they deserve to be. They have immense potential which would curb by the three powers.


  • 其他南亚国家像尼泊尔、不丹、孟加拉国、斯里兰卡和缅甸将被其忽视。他们的巨大潜力将被这三个大国遏制。

2.Attack over Western media

  • Chinese media strongly oppose Western media. With the support of powerful Indian Media, China will be successful with its decision.


  • 中国媒体强烈反对西方媒体。在强大的印度媒体的支持下,中国将如虎添翼。

3 Inclining of Asian power

  • Earlier, the power of China over Asia was balanced by India. Now the Asia will be a hold by the alliance which could be problematic for Asian countries.


  • 早些时候,中国在亚洲的力量受印度制衡。现在亚洲将由改联盟控制,这对亚洲国家来说可能是个问题。

4.Dispute in UN Security Council

  • The allance would crown India as another permanent member. Now the dispute can increase because of two members will be there from same alliance.


  • 联盟将使印度成为常任理事国。现在安理会的争端可能会增加,因为有两个来自同一联盟的成员。
  1. Slight chance World War
  • A bitter feeling amongst other nations towards the new alliance would exist. In few decades the alliance could be tough like USA which would lead to the era like that we see in cold war. But this time, war may occur as both parts of world have immense nuclear Powers.


  • 其他国家对新联盟的不满情绪将会存在。几十年后,北约可能会变得像美国一样强硬,这将导致类似冷战的时代。但这一次,战争可能会发生,因为世界上两个地区都有巨大的核大国,

Every change has its own advantages and disadvantages. But if the three countries would at least try to solve their problems, the world will glorify itself with its another three gems- India, China and Pakistan.

You are free to criticise or appreciate my views. Thank you.


Giridharan Velamore, A complete Indian by spirit

Question: What if India, China and Pakistan were allies?

Answer: It would be one of the best case scenario. But it also seems like utopia.

It would greatly benefit all the three nations. The tense situation in this region would greatly reduce. The nations would be able to spend much more on their country’s progress (this is more so for India and Pakistan). It will lead to an improvement in HDI in all these nations and that would bring several millions out of misery. The Asian continent would return to its significance in global trade much sooner.



Rohan Dixit, Word politics blogger.

India ,China and Pakistan represent approximately 40 percent of the population world . So is consider all of us as allies . We will simply become a superpower and enhance each other's development also . This will take the world to a new level of diplomacy. I think as all three as nuclear powers so now the world be like US , Russia and then we three .


Aloka Bhattacharyya

Unholy trinity!!!!

Yes...that would define it. Someone might like to pr etend that it would be hunky-dory , profess some of the world peace stuff but the fact remains all these nations are not very blessed with natural resources but are all struggling with a booming population. So the strongest one would dominate the not so strong ones of which one would like to play the second fiddle to the strongest.

The genetic coding of the political frame of each of these nations is very different. Such a setup naturally eliminates alignment of any form.

邪恶三位一体! ! ! !




While I'm not certain if China, Pakistan and India could be allied together but interesting historical fact for you, India did pass up on Ayub Khan's () offer of mutual defence treaty against communist China some 2–3years before 1962 and dare I say history between India and Pakistan would have been a lot different.

虽然我不确定中国、巴基斯坦和印度是否能结盟,但有趣的历史事实是,大约在1962年之前的2 - 3年,印度确实拒绝了阿尤布·汗提出的与中国的共同防御条约。我敢说印度和巴基斯坦之间的历史会有很大的不同。

Mok Hauyu, lives in China (1997-present)

chinese commodity will be flocking into pakistan and india, regarding these two all have considerable market space based on their large population. Hence damaging their ecomony.

as for the aspect of military, i don’t think sino-india ally eligible to be rival of the us




Interesting,it reminds me of my good friend and his brother,who pet a monkey


