
One country is refusing to shut down to stop the coronavirus


Matthew Bodner 马修。博得纳

NBC News NBC新闻April 1, 2020, 12:35 AM GMT+82020年4月1日,格林威治标准时间上午12:35 +8


One country is refusing to shut down to stop the coronavirus


MOSCOW — While officials from Montreal to Moscow have placed populations under some form of lockdown designed to slow the spread of the coronavirus, one man continues to hold firm to the notion that the rest of the world has lost its mind: Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko.

莫斯科——尽管从蒙特利尔到莫斯科的官员已经对民众实施了某种形式的封锁,以减缓冠状病毒的传播,但有一个人仍然坚信,世界其他地方已经失去了理智:白俄罗斯总统亚历山大·卢卡申科(Alexander Lukashenko)。

“It is better to die on your feet than live on your knees!” Lukashenko told a Belarusian television reporter Saturday when asked whether the coronavirus could stop him from hitting the rink for a propaganda-filled hockey game.



Image: Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko plays in a hockey game in Minsk on Saturday. (Andrey Pokumeiko / BelTA / via Reuters)

图片:白俄罗斯总统亚历山大·卢卡申科周六在明斯克参加一场曲棍球比赛。(Andrey Pokumeiko / BelTA /路透社)

“Me? Why? I don’t understand. There is no virus here,” Lukashenko said, gesturing around the arena. “This is a refrigerator, it is the best thing for your health. Sport, especially on ice, is better than any antiviral medication. It is the real thing.”


Lukashenko, one of the longest-serving leaders in the former Soviet Union, has been in power for over 25 years. His tenure has seen brutal crackdowns on dissent.


Full coverage of the coronavirus outbreak 全面报道冠状病毒爆发

Both Lukashenko and his nation, Belarus, have played second fiddle to their much larger, and much more powerful neighbor: Vladimir Putin’s Russia. The two nations have a loosely controlled internal border and shared customs space — undermining his claims to sovereignty.

卢卡申科和他的国家白俄罗斯,在面积更大、实力更强的邻国——弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)领导下的俄罗斯——面前,一直处于次要地位。这两个国家有一个松散控制的内部边界和共同的海关空间-削弱他的主权要求。

Lukashenko for weeks now has downplayed the threat of COVID-19. Instead of preparing his nation for the worst, he has routinely and openly questioned the world’s response to the virus, using the word “psychosis” to describe the global response several times since early March.



Young fans react during a Belarus soccer match on March 27. Longtime Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko is proudly keeping soccer and hockey arenas open even though most sports around the world have shut down because of the coronavirus pandemic. (Sergei Grits / AP)

3月27日,白俄罗斯的一场足球比赛中,年轻球迷们的反应。长期担任白俄罗斯总统的卢卡申科(Alexander Lukashenko)自豪地让足球和曲棍球赛场继续开放,尽管世界上大多数体育项目因冠状病毒大流行而关闭。(谢尔盖·格里茨/美联社)


Meanwhile, he has made a point of keeping factories, stores, cultural and sporting events open. The Belarusian Health Ministry has reported just 152 cases of the coronavirus.Neighboring Russia reported 1,836 as of Monday.


Two weeks ago, he insisted that Belarus has survived worse than the novel pandemic hitting the world. Saunas, vodka and tending to the fields were the best remedy for those who fear the spread of the virus, he said.


“The tractor will heal everyone,” he said, “the fields heal everyone.”



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Wuhan barber, Xiong Juan, is working up to ten hours a day after coronavirus restrictions were eased a little in the city when the pandemic is believed to have originated.


Lukashenko’s folk remedies for COVID-19 fall well in line with assurances issued by other post-Soviet leaders. Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov, president of Turkmenistan, consulted his own writings on his nation’s plant life and declared a cure to be found in a local herb.


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In his own way, Putin has also downplayed the threat of the virus — insisting for weeks that the situation was well under control. But Putin began an about-face last week in a national address asking Russians to stay home.


Lukashenko seems to have been unfazed by Putin’s admission that the situation is more serious than it first appeared.


“This psychosis has crippled national economies almost everywhere in the world,” Lukashenko said while touring a factory Friday. “Even the Russian Federation that is similar to us has started closing businesses.”


