每日外貿英語高頻詞彙及例句(抄錄)普及-Day 1


agenda 議程

arrange 安排

cancel 取消

consultation 磋商

contact 接洽

convenient 方便的

definite 明確的,確切的

exchange 交流

expire 期滿

itinerary 行程安排

postpone 推遲

by appointment 按照約定,預約


1 我們明天會給您一個明確的答覆。

We'll give you a definite answer tomorrow.

2 我們將舉行一次會議來交流彼此的意見。

We'll hold a meeting to exchange our opinions.

3 我們將盡量把會談安排在雙方都方便的時間和地點。

We will try to arrange a mutually convinient time and place for our talks.

4 請告知我方,該訪問計劃對貴方是否方便或者貴方建議的行程計劃

Please let us know whether our planned visit is convinient for you and what itinerary you would suggest.

5 此次會談延期至下週舉行

The discussion is postponed till next week.

6 請允許我介紹一下議程安排

Please allow me to introduce the agenda.

7 一切將會安排得令貴方滿意

Everything will be arranged to your satisfaction.

8 他們不太願意取消本次會議

They would be very reluctant to cancel the meeting.

9 磋商可以通過預約安排在其他時間

Consultations can be arranged at other times by appointment.

每日外貿英語高頻詞彙及例句(抄錄)普及-Day 1


