「财报听力训练营|第十二期」DAY 14-管理效率提高

「财报听力训练营|第十二期」DAY 14-管理效率提高


DAY 14 原文

Baird 的分析师David Tarantino 想知道美国的公司管理费用同比下降的情况是否只是时间的问题。



A: Sharon, this is Pat. I'm happy to take both questions. First of all, with respect to the G&A, we are very pleased with the progress that we are making across the company in delivering our G&A efficiency commitment. As reminder, we had committed to reduce by 100 basis points G&A as a percentage of system sales. That is not something that we routinely report because we don't report system sales, but a good proxy for that is non-GAAP G&A as a percentage of revenue and we do report that. We've added that to our supplementary schedules in our earnings release. And we have seen meaningful efficiencies emerge in the first quarter, and we expect that to continue balance of year. That's on the back of very significant work over the last 12 to 18 months to realize productivity in our G&A, not just in the Americas, but really across all of our segments and certainly at Corporate.


And then with respect to the Global Coffee Alliance, we did see better than expected results in the first quarter. We did anticipate a decline for the first quarter and for the full year, but our better than expected results in the first quarter resulted from outperformance, specifically in the Global Coffee Alliance. So we could not be more pleased with how our products are performing as we continue to partner with Nestlé, and we anticipate that was going to be one of the aspects of our improved guidance for the year is better than expected revenue growth from our Channel Development segment.

至于全球咖啡联盟,我们确实看到第一季度的业绩好于预期。我们确实预计第一季度和全年都会出现下滑,但我们第一季度的业绩好于预期是因为表现出色,特别是在全球咖啡联盟(Global Coffee Alliance)。因此,在我们继续与雀巢合作的过程中,我们对产品的表现感到非常满意,我们预计这将是我们今年改进指导的一个方面,即我们渠道开发部门的收入增长好于预期。


1. G&A (General & Administrative expense): 管理费用,是指企业行政管理部门为组织和管理生产经营活动而发生的各项费用。 管理费用属于期间费用,在发生的当期就计入当期的损益。

2. Non-GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principl): 一般公认会计原则,1937年美国会计程序委员会(CAP)发表第一号会计研究公告,开创了由政府机关或行业组织颁布“一般通用会计”的先河。SEC不会允许上市公司捏造GAAP数据, Non-GAAP是公司依据自身情况在GAAP的基础上自行调整。

3. Global Coffee Alliance:雀巢和星巴克达成营销协议,组建一个全球咖啡联盟,将星巴克品牌的实力与亲和力与雀巢及其标志性咖啡品牌的全球影响力结合起来,在北美市场建立新的增长机遇,并开拓国际市场。



「财报听力训练营|第十二期」DAY 14-管理效率提高

