【龍騰網】 IMDb影評:網飛劇《李屍朝鮮》(킹덤

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【龍騰網】 IMDb影評:網飛劇《李屍朝鮮》(킹덤 / Kingdom)

【龍騰網】 IMDb影評:網飛劇《李屍朝鮮》(킹덤 / Kingdom)


原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:yzy86 轉載請註明出處
1、Hollywood take notes. This is how it's done.
10星 短評:好萊塢來做下筆記。就該這麼拍。
It's hardly a secret that the zombie genre is a dried out well proven by western releases fighting to be the most boring and generic junk out there. Then to my pleasant surprise South Korea dishes up a series set in a Korean dynastic kingdom in 1897 where a crown prince tries to save his land from the horror. And it does it well. Good acting, believable costumes, lovely cinematic and the monsters blends into a wonderful time that makes this series worth your time.
2、Amazing Allegorical Era Zombie Horror Series
10星 短評:寓言時代的殭屍恐怖劇集,很驚豔

【龍騰網】 IMDb影評:網飛劇《李屍朝鮮》(킹덤 / Kingdom)

Btw no guns and slow zombies in this one like the Walking Dead. Here zombies RUN, no time to waste and the living ones have to use whatever tools they find, mainly tools used in agriculture and farming!
In terms of visual aestetics the series looks stunning! Amazing cinematography, directing, costumes, locations, action scenes, it is truly impecable.
What I would like to see is stronger female characters as the series is very male dominated.
Good job to everyone involved and can't wait for the second season!!
3、Definitely one of the best horror shows ever made
10星 短評:絕對是迄今最出色的恐怖秀
If you remotely like East Asian productions in general and Korean ones in particular and are a fan of the horror and zombie genre as well, this one is for you and not to miss. Add to that a historical setting with many subplots and subtext, and you get an idea of what kind of complete package this series is. The only bad thing I could say about it is, that it ended after just six episodes and only half the answers were given with me wanting to get more of that show. Strongly recommended.

10星 短評:驚豔
Netflix is getting way better every year just an amazing zombie serie its like game of thrones meet the walking dead
5、Best Zombie Show Ever!!!
10星 短評:有史以來最棒的殭屍秀!!!

【龍騰網】 IMDb影評:網飛劇《李屍朝鮮》(킹덤 / Kingdom)

7、top notch
10星 短評:頂級水準
I waited for a long time for this one and boy it didnt disappoint..great show

8、Exemplary zombie TV series
10星 短評:殭屍劇的典範
Review of Season One:
KINGDOM is the second top-notch zombie production to come from South Korean, following the film TRAIN TO BUSAN. This one's a six-part Netflix miniseries that explores a zombie outbreak during the Joseon dynasty. The series is a strong mix of GAME OF THRONES-style political intrigue and plotting with plenty of zombie action; the zombies themselves are fresh and frightening, thanks to some twists with the mythology and 28 DAYS LATER-style speed and ferocity.
《李氏朝鮮》是韓國繼電影《釜山行》之後,製作出的第二部頂級殭屍作品。它是網飛出品的六集迷你劇,探討了李氏朝鮮時期的一次殭屍大爆發。該劇集是權遊風格的政治陰謀和情節與大量殭屍動作戲的強大組合;這些殭屍鮮活又駭人,多虧了這個神話中出現的一些轉折, 以及《驚變28天》風格的速度和兇殘。
9、Great acting and memorable characters
9星 短評:偉大的表演,以及讓人難忘的角色
I'm not big on giving full 10/10 to anything, because I always believe in room for improvement. So we finally get a k-drama, samurai's, and zombies all packed into a nice 6 episode season. I loved the show from start to finish. It had a few slow parts, but honestly they spent good time building up characters which I liked. They added a really nice twist to zombies in this series as well. I'm a fan for adding your own ideas and flare to how a zombie should act, but I had one hell of a grin on my face when.......oh, I guess you should watch the season finale and see what I was going to say?!

The 1 and 2 star reviews don't seem to be zombie fans. They should go back and watch the movie Titanic or something. Leave this genre to the adults that like heads flying off and arms being eaten. Thanks and have a nice day.
10、So boring, slow paced and stupid.
1星 短評:太無聊了,節奏很慢,還很蠢。

【龍騰網】 IMDb影評:網飛劇《李屍朝鮮》(킹덤 / Kingdom)

13、I can't belive the hype.
3星 短評:我沒法相信關於它的大肆宣傳

Too many plot holes. The story is too weak. Bad acting. And no substance. Zombie mechanics are so confusing... sometimes they die sometimes they won't.
14、Seasons 2 Suck Balls
3星 短評:第二季爛到家了
What a stupid plot for the 2nd season. They made the prince so stupid.
15、Ain't No Train To Busan
5星 短評:不是沒有《釜山行》
While it is better than 80% of the zombie flicks out there, I feel this series is let down by some horrible over acting. And some ridiculous characters who I assume are there for some sort of comedy value.
One minute it's trying to be serious walking dead style horror, the next minute you have bumbling Laurel & Hardy type characters screaming like girls and falling about the place.
(譯註: 勞拉與哈代是世界喜劇電影史上最出名的二人組合,曾師從於喜劇之王卓別林,是好萊塢頗富聲望的喜劇演員)
As for the people giving it a 10 rating...if you consider this a perfect ten, holding it aloft with the Likes of Breaking Bad and the Wire you need your head examined.


