留长辫子的教授 (原创译文)



Gu was a life-time supporter of imperial power. After the founding of the Republic of China, while lecturing on British literature, he was seen wearing a queue and a long gown, defending the practice of taking concubines and binding the feet of women, going to extremity in his words and acts. When Gu wearing his small queue entered the classroom for the first class in Beijing University, he was greeted with roars of laughter. Gu responded calmly:"My queue on my head is tangible while yours are intangible in your hearts." At this remark, all these self-important students fell silent.

He lectured in English on Chunqiu Dayi (the Spirit of the Chinese People) at the Grand Hotel des Wagon-Lits at the embassy zone of Dongjiaominxiang. Before him there was no precedent in China of obtaining admission to a lecture by a paid ticket. But he did sell tickets for his lectures, priced higher than those sold for the performances of Mei Lanfang, one of the "Four Great Dan" of Beijing Opera. To enjoy Mei's performance you only had to pay one dollar and twenty fen, but to attend a lecture given by Gu, you would have to pay two dollars, a good measure of how much he was valued by foreigners.

