「财报听力训练营|第十二期」DAY 9-利用媒体向客户推销

「财报听力训练营|第十二期」DAY 9-利用媒体向客户推销


DAY 9 原文



Andrew Charles: Thanks. Roz, one of the more impressive drivers of the US same-store sales has been growth in loyalty program with the 1.4 million members added during 1Q, the seasonal highest it's been on record since you guys have been disclosing this. And I was wondering, with this growing base of users, can you talk about the changes in the tactics you're using to market more effectively to these customers to help increase the spend as well as the visitation?


Rosalind Gates Brewer: So, yes, Andrew, just a few things there. One is we have a very effective media spend. And so if you go back a year or so ago, we were either – had very small investments in our media spend or not very directed. And so now we are better at understanding almost a one-to-one relationship with that consumer. And so if we have an email address, we can look at their past purchases and then suggest to them what they could enjoy in our stores, and then also to alert them to Happy Hour and other events that are happening in the store. And we didn't have that in the past.


And then in addition to that is when we introduce new items and so what we're seeing from a Cold Brew perspective is also just speaking to them about the new cold beverages. So it's having that one-to-one relationship and access to them and can personalize the offerings that we have to our customer base.



1. Cold Brew: 冷萃冰咖啡,普通的冰咖啡只是将冰加到热咖啡里进行冷却而成,纯粹是为了降温。但冷萃咖啡,是要求低温萃取,减少咖啡豆释放的单宁酸,也会使得咖啡本身的酸涩感和咖啡因含量降低,不仅制作起来更耗时间、耗成本,口感更是完全不同。



「财报听力训练营|第十二期」DAY 9-利用媒体向客户推销

