「财报听力训练营|第十二期」DAY 7-中国更比日本强

「财报听力训练营|第十二期」DAY 7-中国更比日本强


DAY 7 原文



Moving on to International, the segment delivered revenue growth of 10% in Q1, excluding a 6% unfavorable impact of Streamline-related activities. This was led by 11% net new store growth over the past 12 months. International's comp sales growth of 1% in Q1 was adversely impacted by 2 points due to a soft quarter in Japan, which was lapping 6% comp sales growth from last year. China, our lead international growth market, delivered solid comp sales growth of 3% in Q1 including 1% comp transaction growth. Continued expansion and strong performance of mobile ordering as well as the up-level Starbucks Rewards program were primary drivers of these results.


At the end of the first quarter, mobile order and pickup had been rolled out to more than 100 cities, encompassing more than 90% of our store base, just seven months following the launch of the program, and we expanded delivery to 130 cities, covering more than 80% of our portfolio.


International's non-GAAP operating margin increased by 170 basis points to 21.4%. When excluding the 70 basis point impact of Streamline-related activities, non-GAAP operating margin expanded by 100 basis points, driven by sales leverage and supply chain efficiencies, partially offset by unfavorability in product mix and strategic investments, notably in-store and digital initiatives.




1. Operating margin: 营业毛利率是营业毛利额与营业净收入之间的比率,其计算公式为:营业毛利率=营业毛利额/主营业务收入 X100%。营业毛利率用于对企业获利能力的分析。主营业务的毛利率越高,则扣除各项支出后的利润也就更高,企业的获利能力越强。

2. Non-GAAP: GAAP即美国公认会计准则,美股上市公司一般都需按照GAAP定期披露业绩和财务状况。Non-GAAP则是公司依据自身情况在GAAP的基础上自行调整,目的是更好地展示公司的实际经营状况。通常Non-GAAP的数据未经过审计的。

3. Basis point: 基点,债券和票据利率改变量的度量单位。一个基点等于0.01个百分点,即0.01%。

4. Supply chain: 供应链是指产品生产和流通过程中所涉及的原材料供应商、生产商、分销商、零售商以及最终消费者等成员通过与上游、下游成员的连接组成的网络结构。也即是由物料获取、物料加工、并将成品送到用户手中这一过程所涉及的企业和企业部门组成的一个网络。



「财报听力训练营|第十二期」DAY 7-中国更比日本强

