
The Best Thai Jewelry for Proposing -- Rings


Love you love you 2020 is a year of good luck, with many couples hoping to announce, propose or get married.


Indeed, "loving you" is a lifetime thing, and being with you means wanting to be with you forever. It is said that the token of a long love is a diamond, after all, "diamonds are forever" advertising words let us still impressive. There is truth to the old adage that jewelry is a must-have gift for couples. If you propose to your significant other with a beautiful and noble jewelry ring, it is the most suitable, because it not only has a good moral, but also can let your partner like, can be regarded as the magic weapon to win the proposal.



So when you choose this winning magic weapon, will you be confused, do not know how to choose? Don't worry, today I will introduce some Thai jewelry brands with exquisite craftsmanship and cultural atmosphere. Thailand is one of the most developed countries in the jewelry industry. Thailand has a large number of high-quality gemstone raw materials, and the craftsmanship of Thai craftsmen in jewelry design, so that Thailand jewelry depends on its exquisite design and high cost performance, to occupy a place in the world jewelry industry. If you choose these jewelry brand rings to propose, you will get twice the result with half the effort!


PRIMA GOLD是珠宝集团Pranda旗下的一个品牌,可以称得上是泰国国宝级的黄金首饰品牌,以超高做工、现代设计和高性价比著称,店里很多黄金制成的黄金手工艺品,由精通工艺的泰国工匠精心设计制作,在泰国非常有名,所以在商场里基本上都能看到它。黄金戒指的造型非常多,精致,深受大家喜爱。喜欢黄金戒指的可以考虑这家。

PRIMA GOLD, a division of jewelry group Pranda, is Thailand's national gold jewelry brand known for its ultra-high craftsmanship, modern design and high value for money. Many gold handicrafts in this brand store are elaborately designed and made by skilled Thai artisans. They are very famous in Thailand, so you can see them in most shopping malls. There are many kinds of gold rings, exquisite, loved by everyone. Those who like gold rings can consider buying this brand of jewelry.



BLUE RIVER宝丽华是一个泰国珠宝行业的老品牌,BLUE RIVER宝丽华所使用的珠宝原材料都非常考究,经过层层筛选,精挑细选而选出的高质量原材料,主营钻石首饰、宝石首饰、珠宝等,它家最具有优势的地方还是在于它款式的多样性、创造性和精美感,精美的造型都是由宝石大师亲手制作,用精湛的技术打造出最完美的宝石饰品,每一样设计都活灵活现,所以钻石戒指或者宝石戒指的爱好者可以多在这家挑选挑选。

BLUE RIVER is a major brand in the Thai jewelry industry. The jewelry materials used by BLUE RIVER are highly selective and of high quality. This brand specializes in diamond jewelry, gem jewelry and so on. The greatest strength of the brand is its variety, creativity and delicacy. Jewelry exquisite shape is made by the hands of gemologists, with superb technology to create the most perfect gem jewelry, every design is vivid, so diamond ring or gem ring lovers can choose from this brand of jewelry.



PRANDA被称为百变首饰品牌,成立于1973年,是泰国珠宝产业出口量最大的企业之一,质量非常有保障,旗下有非常多著名品牌,包括Prima Gold, Prima Diamond和Gemondo等。它以创新为原则,深入了解女性内心对于珠宝首饰的追求,以体现时尚女性的品味为理念,致力于为女性打造专属首饰。所以专属的精美戒指也许就在这里了。

PRANDA is known as the variegated jewelry brand. Founded in 1973, PRANDA is one of the largest exporters of Thailand's jewelry industry, with high quality assurance and many famous brands including Prima Gold, Prima Diamond and Gemondo. This brand takes innovation as its principle to deeply understand women's inner pursuit for jewelry. This brand is dedicated to creating exclusive jewelry for women based on the concept of reflecting the taste of fashionable women, so exclusive exquisite rings may be here.


DER MOND Jewelry

DER MOND Jewelry是一个创始于1992年的泰国及日本知名珠宝首饰品牌,是一个有大规模的大型珠宝品牌。DER MOND Jewelry以卓越品质、创新革新、精湛工艺以及对钻石珠宝领域的坚持成为泰国和日本等国外客户喜爱的品牌。它的理念主要为“轻奢实用”,在选择珠宝和钻石方面有严格的测试程序,选择的宝石也是高级高质的宝石。戒指有很多系列,可以看到它家的戒指既能有复古的时代感,又有现代元素的融入,加上精湛的镶钻工艺,增加钻石的闪光度,让戒指看起来既优雅又高贵。

DER MOND Jewelry is a Thai and Japanese famous Jewelry brand founded in 1992. It is a large-scale Jewelry brand. DER MOND Jewelry has become a favorite brand of foreign customers in Thailand and Japan for its excellent quality, innovation, exquisite craftsmanship and persistence in the field of diamond Jewelry. Its philosophy is mainly "light luxury and practical". It has a strict test procedure for choosing jewelry and diamonds, and the selected gems are also high quality gems. This brand has a wide range of rings, which can not only have a retro sense of The Times, but also the integration of modern elements, together with the exquisite diamond setting technology, increase the flash of diamonds, making the rings look elegant and noble.


