看美劇學英語《了不起的麥瑟爾夫人》S01E07 226-230

226.Excuse me? 你說什麼?

✨Excuse me?: used when you did not hear what sb said and you want them to repeat it (沒聽清楚,請對方再說一遍)對不起,請再說一遍;你說什麼?

  • Excuse me在日常口語中很厲害,很多場景中開口就要用到它。

① used to politely get sb's attention especially sb you do not know (引起陌生人的注意)

Excuse me, is this the way to the station?


②used to politely ask sb to move that you can get past them (客氣地請人讓路)勞駕;借過

Excuse me, could you let me through?


③used to say that you are sorry for interrupting sb or behaving in a slightly rude way (因打擾別人或失禮表示歉意)對不起

Guy sneezed loudly. "Excuse me," he said.


④used to disagree politely with sb(婉轉地表示不贊成)抱歉

Excuse me, but I don't think that's true.


⑤used to politely tell sb that you are going to leave or talk to sb else (婉轉地要求離開或者要和另外的人講話)對不起,抱歉

"Excuse me for a moment," she said and left the room.


看美劇學英語《了不起的麥瑟爾夫人》S01E07 226-230

227.Let's acquire the supply. 我們要獲得供應商。

✨acquire [v.]: to gain sth by your own efforts, ability or behavior (通過努力、能力、行為表現)獲得,得到

She has acquired a good knowledge of English.


⚠️acquire還有另一個意思——to obtain sth by buying or being given it 購得,獲得,這個視頻裡另一句話就用到了這個意思 "We acquire a local lab. 我們想併購一家本地實驗室。"

228.We start small. 我們一步步來。

✨start+adj: to begin doing or using sth 開始;著手做某事

The best professional musicians start young.


229.We dig through universities for talent. 在大學裡挖掘有才能的學生。

✨dig+adv./prep.: to search in sth in order to find an object in sth 尋找

I dug around my bag for a pen.


230. We turn plastics into toys and coasters. 我們把塑料做成玩具和杯墊。

✨turn sb/sth (from sth) into sth: to make sb/sth become sth 從……變成

**This is turning into a rout.=This is becoming a rout. 你可要敗給。我嘍

看美劇學英語《了不起的麥瑟爾夫人》S01E07 226-230

