



加拿大法定貨幣為加拿大元,由加拿大中央銀行發行。2011年,加拿大元成為世界上七大流通貨幣。1加元=100加分。此銀元正面為伊麗莎白二世頭像;每一次硬幣的更新都會根據年份的不同來展示女王的側面,記錄了女王從年輕到年邁、從知性到和藹的變化;外環為她的英文名號。背面是面值、國名、年號和馴鹿的頭部圖案。馴鹿是加拿大最具代表性的野生動物,產於北極地區,區別於其他鹿的顯著特點是,雄性和雌性都有角,角的分枝繁複是其外觀上的重要特徵。就歷史而言,鹿類與人類的關係非常密切,人類的祖先總是把鹿視為聖潔。在西方被賦予了許多美麗的神話和傳說。給聖誕老人拉雪橇的馴鹿有9只:魯道夫、猛衝者、跳舞者、歡騰、 悍婦、大人物、閃電、丘比特、彗星。八隻負責出力拉,其中一隻"紅鼻子魯道夫"是開路的領頭鹿。它是這個世界上唯一長著大紅鼻子的馴鹿。它的亮鼻子像燈塔一樣能夠穿透迷霧,不論雨雪風霜,什麼都難不倒魯道夫。

Canada,Located in the northernmost part of North America, it is one of the Commonwealth countries. The land area is 9.98 million square kilometers, ranking second in the world. Population 37.06 million (2018); Ottawa, capital city.The head of state of Canada is Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, who appoints the governor to act as head of state.

Canada was originally the residence of Indian and Inuit.Since the 16th century, Canada has become a French and British colony.It was a British colony in 1763.It became a British dominion in 1867.In 1926 Britain recognized its "equal status" and gained diplomatic independence. Since becoming a member of the Commonwealth in 1931, its parliament has also obtained the same legislative power as the British parliament. It is a member of international organizations such as the Group of Eight, the Group of 20, NATO, the United Nations, the Organization of la Francophonie and the World Trade Organization.It established diplomatic relations with China on October 13, 1970. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations, bilateral relations between China and Canada have developed smoothly and leaders of the two countries have exchanged visits frequently.

Canada is a highly developed capitalist country. In the international rankings of education, transparency of government, social freedom, quality of life and economic freedom, they are among the top. It is the second country after Uruguay to legalize marijuana. It is also one of the largest diamond producing countries in the world.

The legal currency of Canada is Canadian dollars, issued by the Central Bank of Canada. In 2011, the Canadian dollar became the world's seven largest currencies. 1 Canadian dollar = 100 Canadian cents. The silver dollar has the head of Elizabeth II on the front. Each coin update will show the queen's profile according to different years, recording the queen's changes from young to old, from understanding to kindness. Outer Ring is her English name. On the back is the face value, country name, year number and reindeer head design. Reindeer is the most representative wild animal in Canada. It is found in the Arctic region. It is distinguished from other deer in that both males and females have horns. The complicated branching of horns is an important feature of its appearance. Historically, deer have a very close relationship with human beings. The ancestors of human beings always regarded deer as holy. Many beautiful myths and legends have been given in the west. There are nine reindeer pulling Santa Claus's sleigh: Rudolph, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Donder, Blitzen, Cupid, Comet. Eight were responsible for the effort, and one of them, Rudolph with red nose, was the lead deer. It is the only reindeer in the world with a big red nose. Its bright nose, like a lighthouse, can penetrate the fog. No matter rain, snow, wind and frost, nothing can defeat Rudolph.



