

1. 美国人见面最常用的问候表达是:How are you?/ How are you doing?

就像我们说 “你好”一样,他们见面就会互相问候说How are you/How are you doing

You may ask, what is the difference between "how are you" and "how are you doing"? The two phrases 'How Are You' and 'How Are You Doing' are commonly used as part of a greeting. While, both can be used at any and all instances, it is generally considered that 'how are you' is a more formal and reserved greeting than 'how are you doing.' 'How are you doing' is mainly used in a more laid-back setting with people who are familiar to the speaker.

大家可能会问how are you和how are you doing有什么区别。其实这两个表达是差不多一样的,都是常用的问候语。两个表达都适用于所有的场合,一般认为how are you比较正式一些,how are you doing 比较随意一些,可以用来问候比较熟悉的人或者朋友。

2. 如果有人生病了,你觉得ta看上去状态很不好,可以关心说:How are you feeling?


Bill: Hey, Jane! You've been sick? 嗨,Jane,你生病了吗?

Jane: Yeah. 是的。

Bill: How are you feeling? 你还好吗?

Jane: Not very well. 不太好。

3. 如果跟朋友见面,你觉得ta心事重重的,看上去很不开心,跟平时明显不大一样,你可以问ta说:

(Is) everything ok? / Are you all right?

It's said when one suspects that the person being addressed is feeling sad or not their usual self.

Everything OK? You seem kind of tense today.




I am ok./I am fine. 我很好。

I feel good/great! 我非常好,一切都很好。

Not bad. 不差,一般般。

So so. 一般,偏不好。

I feel upset. 我很失落。

I feel terrible. 我感觉很不好。

I hope you guys feel good today, cheer up!

希望这些表示关心的习语,可以帮助大家拉近与身边人的距离。不如现在就来向你关心的人说一句:How are you doing吧!听起来暖暖的,很贴心~

