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雙兔傍地走 安能辨我是雄雌 名畫集錦

阿爾布雷希特·阿爾特多費爾Albrecht Altdorfer - Lot et ses filles 1537A

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阿爾布雷希特·阿爾特多費爾Workshop of Albrecht Altdorfer - The Fall of Man 1535A

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布龍齊諾Bronzino 愛的寓意Allegory of the Triumph of Venus 1540-45A

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費迪南德·波爾Ferdinand Bol 維納斯和阿多尼斯Venus and Adonis 1657-60A

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雅各·德·巴克Jacob de Backer - The Garden of Eden 1555-85A

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亞伯拉罕·布隆梅特Abraham Bloemaert - The Feast of the Gods at the Wedding of Peleus and Thetis 1638A

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亞歷山德羅·阿羅裡Alessandro Allori - Venus disarming Cupid, 1570A

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弗朗索瓦·熱拉爾Francois Gerard - Cupid and Psyche 1798A

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圭多雷尼Guido Reni 阿塔蘭忒和希波墨涅斯Atalanta and Hippomenes 1618-19A

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老盧卡斯Lucas Cranach the Elder 帕里斯的判決The Judgment of Paris 1528A

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科內利斯·凡·科倫博奇Cornelis van Poelenburgh - The expulsion from Paradise 1646-67A

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讓·佛朗索瓦·德·特洛伊Jean-Francois de Troy - Cupid and Psyche 1679-1752A

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傑拉德·德·萊雷西Gerard de Lairesse - Selene and Endymion 1680A

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比利時Paul Artot - L'amour sauve des eaux 1875-1958A

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雅克-路易·大衛Jacques-Louis David 丘比特和普賽克Cupid and Psyche 1817A



