跟着经济学人学翻译Day2:A deadly disease distrupts

跟着经济学人学翻译Day2:A deadly disease distrupts

As covid-19 spreads, its effect on business is amplified.



Tourism into and out of the mainland has plunged.


Some 400,000 Chinese tourists are forecast to cancel trips to Japan by the end of March.



One large cruise ship in Asia was turned away by five countries and regions because scores on board are infected (Cambodia at last allowed it to dock).




新加坡航空展在2018年为这个城市国家赚进约2.5亿美元,但今年包括美国军火巨头洛克希德·马丁公司(Lockheed Martin)在内的70家公司取消参展,上周举行的航展收入大减。

本人译:The Singapore air exhibition earned 2.5 billion dollor in 2018,but nearly 70 company (include the American arms giant Lockheed Martin ets.) ,which cause the income reducing highly.

原文译:The Singapore Air Show earned the city-state some $250m in 2018, but far less last week owing to cancellations by 70 companies including Lockheed Martin, an American defence giant.

通信行业盛会世界移动通信大会(Mobile World Congress)原定本月在巴塞罗那举行,但在沃达丰(Vodafone)、英国电信(BT)、Facebook及亚马逊等公司相继退出后,会议取消。

本人译:Mobile World Congress is conceled after Vodafone 、BT、Facebook and Amazon etc conceled attending exhibition ,which is held in Barcelona this month

原文译:The Mobile World Congress, a giant telecoms conference due to take place in Barcelona this month, has been cancelled after companies from Vodafone and BT to Facebook and Amazon pulled out.


本人译:covid-19 may destory global supply chain,which makes the large lack of global econmics and this phenomenon is clearly revealing.

原文译:It is increasingly clear that the virus could damage global supply chains, costing the world’s economy dearly.

