02.19 工業通訊協議 舉例 EXCEL 腳本讀取 OPC DA 製作生產數據報表

工業通訊協議 舉例 EXCEL 腳本讀取 OPC DA 製作生產數據報表

還是大學時 做的東東 。。。好久遠的感覺 excel 讀取wincc OPC DA server

廢話不多說 上圖 上代碼

工業通訊協議 舉例 EXCEL 腳本讀取 OPC DA 製作生產數據報表

excel 中加入腳本代碼

<code>Option Explicit

Option Base 1

Dim WithEvents MyOPCServer As OpcServer

Dim WithEvents MyOPCGroup As OPCGroup

Dim MyOPCGroupColl As OPCGroups

Dim MyOPCItemColl As OPCItems

Dim MyOPCItems As OPCItems

Dim MyOPCItem As OPCItem

Dim plcVal() As Variant

Dim ClientHandles(2) As Long

Dim ServerHandles() As Long

Dim Values(2) As Variant

Dim Errors() As Long

Dim ItemIDs(2) As String

Dim GroupName As String

Dim NodeName As String

Dim ServerName As String


' Sub StartClient()

' Purpose: Connect to OPC_server, create group and add item


Sub StartClient()

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

'----------- We freely can choose a ClientHandle and GroupName

ClientHandles(1) = 1

ClientHandles(2) = 2

GroupName = "MyGroup"

'----------- Get the ItemID from cell "A1"

NodeName = Range("A1").Value
ServerName = "OPCServer.WinCC" 'Range("B1").Value

ItemIDs(1) = Range("A3").Value

ItemIDs(2) = Range("A4").Value '增加tag2

'----------- Get an instance of the OPC server

Set MyOPCServer = New OpcServer

MyOPCServer.Connect ServerName, NodeName

Set MyOPCGroupColl = MyOPCServer.OPCGroups

'----------- Set the default active state for adding groups

MyOPCGroupColl.DefaultGroupIsActive = True

'----------- Add our group to the Collection

Set MyOPCGroup = MyOPCGroupColl.Add(GroupName)

Set MyOPCItemColl = MyOPCGroup.OPCItems

'----------- Add one item, ServerHandles are returned

MyOPCItemColl.AddItems 2, ItemIDs, ClientHandles, ServerHandles, Errors

'----------- A group that is subscribed receives asynchronous notifications

MyOPCGroup.IsSubscribed = True

Exit Sub


MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "ERROR"

End Sub


' Sub StopClient()

' Purpose: Release the objects and disconnect from the server


Sub StopClient()

'----------- Release the Group and Server objects
On Error Resume Next

'----------- Disconnect from the server and clean up


Set MyOPCItemColl = Nothing

Set MyOPCGroup = Nothing

Set MyOPCGroupColl = Nothing

Set MyOPCServer = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()

End Sub


' Sub MyOPCGroup_DataChange()

' Purpose: This event is fired when a value, quality or timestamp in our Group has changed


'----------- If OPC-DA Automation 2.1 is installed, use:

Private Sub MyOPCGroup_DataChange(ByVal TransactionID As Long, ByVal NumItems As Long, ClientHandles() As Long, ItemValues() As Variant, Qualities() As Long, TimeStamps() As Date)

'----------- Set the spreadsheet cell values to the values read

If NumItems = 1 Then

Select Case ClientHandles(1)
Case 1

Range("B3").Value = CStr(ItemValues(1))

Range("C3").Value = Hex(Qualities(1))

Range("D3").Value = CStr(TimeStamps(1))

Case 2

Range("B4").Value = CStr(ItemValues(1))

Range("C4").Value = Hex(Qualities(1))

Range("D4").Value = CStr(TimeStamps(1))

Case Else

End Select


Range("B3").Value = CStr(ItemValues(1))

Range("C3").Value = Hex(Qualities(1))

Range("D3").Value = CStr(TimeStamps(1))

Range("B4").Value = CStr(ItemValues(2))

Range("C4").Value = Hex(Qualities(2))

Range("D4").Value = CStr(TimeStamps(2))

End If

End Sub

Private Sub MyOPCServer_ServerShutDown(ByVal Reason As String)

End Sub

Private Sub StartOPC_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub StopOPC_Click()
End Sub


' Sub worksheet_change()

' Purpose: This event is fired when our worksheet changes, so we can write a new value


Private Sub worksheet_change(ByVal Selection As Range)

'----------- Only if cell "B3" changes, write this value

'If Selection <> Range("B2") Then Exit Sub

'Values(1) = Selection.Cells.Value

'----------- Write the new value in synchronous mode

Values(1) = Range("B3")
Values(2) = Range("B4")
MyOPCGroup.SyncWrite 2, ServerHandles, Values, Errors

End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Values(1) = Target

End Sub

這樣就可以把OPC DA server 中的數據讀取出來 並按照自己格式 製作生產數據報表了

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