06.20 健美冠军破除自我怀疑,从不同的角度看待自己,不要妄自菲薄


走进百大冠军88期:Tessa Barresi(比基尼):昨天我的身材好糟。我一直告诉自己,我看起来很松,我看起来矮小,我很垮(即便都是真的,拥抱变形)。I was having a bad body image day yesterday.I kept telling myself l looked soft, I look small, I'm too squishy (but for real tho, embrace the squish).


然后我决定试穿我的衣服。有人对我说,你会经常看不到自己的变化,就像你看别人一样。I then decided to try on my suit.Someone said to me that you don't often see change in yourself like you do others.


也就是说,除非明确的向你展示(哪里不同)。我穿上我的衣服,决定拍一些照片,只是为了看看会是什么样子。That is, unless it is shown to you. I put on my suit and decided to take some pictures,you know just to see what it would look like.


令我惊讶的是,我确实喜欢上我看到的东西。我看到了变化,我看到了发展,我看到肌肉的成熟(这是关于时间LOL)。To my surprise,I actually love what I see. I see changes, I see development, I see muscle maturity (it's about time lol).


不仅如此,我还看到了一个女人。一个坚强自信的女人拥有她的肌肉。然后我决定把这张照片,和去年最后一场比赛两周后的照片一起做比较。Not only that, I see a woman. A strong confident woman who owns her muscle.I then decided to make a comparison between this photo and an update photo from 2 weeks out from my show last year.


令人惊讶的是,我现在的某些部位,比我在备赛的时候看起来更瘦了。Surprisingly, I actually appear leaner now in some areas than I was while I was on prep.


把这两张照片并排放在一起,无论我在哪一天有什么消极的想法,都无法掩盖我实际上已经取得了进步。Putting the two pictures side by side I was able to see that I actually have made progress no matter what negative thoughts I have about myself on the odd day.


​我想总而言之,有时你需要从不同的角度来看待自己,去欣赏你已经取得的成就。I think all in all, sometimes you need to view yourself from a different perspective in order to appreciate all you have accomplished.

