01.15 一大堆“be+形容詞+of”來啦,看看就好

▲be afraid of 害怕,擔心  

Are you afraid of dogs? 你害狗嗎?  

There’s nothing to be afraid of. 沒什麼可害怕的。  

He was afraid of failing in the exam. 他擔心考試會不及格。  

▲be ashamed of 對(做)……感到羞愧(慚愧)  

You really ought to be ashamed of that. 你實在應該對此感到慚愧。  

He is ashamed of his failure [having failed]. 他對自己的失敗感到羞慚。  


I am ashamed of that.=I am ashamed of myself for that. 我對此感到羞愧。  

He is ashamed of being poor.=He is ashamed of himself for being poor. 他因為窮而感到羞慚  

▲be aware of 覺察到,意識到  

Are you aware of the time? 你知道是什麼時候了嗎?  

He was not aware of having done wrong. 他還沒有意識到自己做錯了。  

▲be capable of 能夠做,可以  

You are capable of better work than this. 你能比這做得更好。  

Show me what you are capable of. 讓我看看你有什麼本事。  

【注】表示能做某事,英語習慣上不說 be capable to do sth,而說 be capable of doing sth。如:  

He is capable of finishing the work in an hour. 他能在一小時內完成這工作。 



▲be careful of 當心,注意  

Be careful of the dog; it sometimes bites people. 留心那條狗,有時候咬人。  

Be careful of the icy pavement; it’s really glassy. 小心人行道上有冰,路面可真滑。  

【注】有時也說be careful about (with)。如:  

I hope you will be more careful of [about] your health. 希望你更注意身體。  

Be careful with the vase; it is valuable. 這隻花瓶很貴,要小心點。  

Be careful with強調的是對幹什麼要認真,謹慎
Be careful about強調的是要當心、小心,對..提高警惕
Be careful in用法和be careful with用法近似
Be careful of強調對...認真,細心,小心(比較褒義)

▲be certain of 對……有把握(自信)  

Our team is certain of winning. 我們球隊有把握贏。  

You should be certain of your facts before you rush into print. 你不應倉促付印,應先將事實弄確鑿。  

【注】有時也說be certain about。如:  

I’m quite certain about it. 我對此很有把握。  

▲be characteristic of 有……的特色  

Sympathy is the feeling which is characteristic of mankind. 同情心是人類特有的情感。  

The defiant manner is characteristic of teenagers. 那種反抗的態度是十幾歲青少年所特有的。  


▲be confident of 對……有信心(把握)  

He is confident of victory. 他對勝利充滿信心。  

We are confident of our success. 我們確信能獲得成功。  

▲be conscious of 對……有意識的(神志清醒的)  

I was not conscious of having offended him. 我沒有意識到得罪了他。  

Was he conscious of what he was saying at the time? 他當時知道自己在說些什麼嗎?  

▲be considerate of 為……著想的,體諒,體貼  

He is considerate of other people’s wishes (feelings). 他能體諒別人的願望(感情)。  

He is considerate of old people. 他對老人體貼入微。  

【注】比較下面的it is considerate of sb to do sth句式:  

It was considerate of you not to play the piano while I was asleep. 在我睡覺時你不彈鋼琴,真是體貼入微。  


▲be critical of 對……表示批評(譴責)  

The inquiry was critical of her work. 該項調查對她的工作提出了批評。  

He is critical of grammar in the speech of other persons. 他愛挑別人講話中的語法錯誤。  

▲be deserving of 應當受到……的,值得……的  

He is deserving of great credit. 他應該得到極大的榮譽。  

Such people will never be deserving of trust. 這樣的人永遠也信賴不得。  

▲be fond of 喜歡  

He is very fond of Chinese food. 他很喜歡吃中國菜。  

She is fond of reading love stories. 她喜歡看愛情故事。  

【注】英語習慣上可說 be fond of doing,但不說 be fond to do sth。  

▲be full of 充滿,裝滿;……很豐富;老想著  

The lake is full of fish. 這湖裡魚很多。  

The future seems to be full of hope. 前途看來充滿希望。  

He was full of the news. 他老想著那消息。  

▲be glad of為……感到高興,對……很樂意  

We are glad of your success. 我們為你們的成功高興。  

I am glad of its being over. 這事總算過去了,我很高興。  

▲be guilty of 犯有……罪(錯)  

What crime was he guilty of? 他犯有什麼罪?  

You have been guilty of a serious blunder. 你犯了一個大錯。  

▲be hopeful of 對……懷有希望的  

I am hopeful of success. 我對成功抱有希望。  

He is hopeful of attaining his object. 他相信會達到目標。  

▲be independent of 與……無關的;不依賴……的  

The two accidents are independent of each other. 這兩個意外事件互不相關。  

If you have a motorcycle, you are independent of trams and buses. 假若你有一輛摩托車,你就可以不坐電車和公共汽車了。  


▲be nervous of 對……感到緊張(害怕)  

I was slightly nervous of him. 我對他有點怕。  

I’m nervous of (being in) large crowds. 我在大庭廣眾之下感到膽怯。  


I’m very nervous about taking that exam. 參加那個考試我很緊張。  

▲be proud of 以……自豪,因為……而自豪  

He was proud of his school record. 他以學校的成績自豪。  

They were proud of their success. 他們為自己的成功而驕傲。  

▲be scared of 對……感到害怕;擔心  

Are you scared of snakes? 你怕蛇嗎?  

Jim was scared of failing the math exam. 吉姆很怕自己的數學考試不及格。  

▲be sensible of 意識到,察覺到,知道  

He is sensible of his faults. 他察覺到自己的過失。  

He was sensible of your kindness. 他知道你的好意。  

▲be short of 缺乏  

We’re a bit short of money at the moment. 我們現在手頭有點緊。  

The hospital is getting short of clean linen. 這所醫院現在缺少乾淨的被服用品。  

▲be shy of 害怕;對……有顧忌的  

The dog is shy of strangers. 這狗怕生人。  

I’m shy of buying shares, in case I lose money. 我不敢買股票,怕賠錢。  

▲be sick of 厭倦,討厭  

I’m sick of waiting around like this. 我膩煩像這樣在一旁等著。  

Get out! I’m sick of the sight of you! 滾出去!一見到你我就覺得討厭!  

▲be sure of 肯定會得到(獲得)  

He is sure of success. 他深信自己會成功。  

If you go and see them you can be sure of a warm welcome. 如果你去探望他們,他們一定會熱情招待你。  

▲be suspicious of 對……有疑心;懷疑  

He was suspicious of all his neighbors. 他對他所有的鄰居都有疑心。  

I am suspicious of his intentions. 我懷疑他的意圖。  

▲be thoughtful of 注意,對……想得周到  

You should be more thoughtful of your behavior. 你應該更加註意你的品行。  


She is always thoughtful of [about] her mother. 她總是很體貼她的母親。  

比較下面的it is thoughtful of sb to do sth句式:  

It was thoughtful of you to bring me the flowers. 你想得真周到,還給我帶花。  

It is thoughtful of her to write him that letter. 她寫了那封信給他考慮實在太周到了。 



▲be tired of 厭煩,對……感到厭煩  

I am tired of boiled eggs. 我吃厭了煮蛋。  

I’m tired of having the same kind of food every day. 我天天吃同樣的東西感到膩了。  

▲be true of 符合於,對……適用  

It is true of everybody. 這件事適用於每一個人。  

Parents of young children often become depressed, and this is especially true of single parents. 年幼孩子們的父母經常愁眉苦臉,單身父母尤其如此。  

【注】A is true of B的意思是“A所提到的情況適合於B”,若將其中的介詞of換成for,則表示“對……來說”。如:  

This is especially true for old people. 對老年人來說尤其是如此。  

Alcohol should be consumed in moderation, and this is particularly true for pregnant women. 飲酒應有節制,對於孕婦來說,更應如此。  

另外,注意The same is true of...這一固定句式,其意為“也適合於”“……也屬同樣情況”。如:  

The food is good and the same is true of the service. 吃的東西很好,服務質量也不錯。  

The same is true of the way of living of the Japanese. 日本人的生活方式也是這樣。  

▲be typical of 是……的典型代表,為……所特有  

The book is typical of its kind. 這本書在同類書籍中有典型性。  

As a historian, he was most typical of the times in which he lived. 作為歷史學家,他是他所處時代很有代表性的人物。  

▲be unaware of 不知道,沒覺察到  

I was unaware of the fact. 這事實我不知道。  

He was unaware of my presence. 他沒注意到我在場。  

▲be unconscious of 不知道,未察覺到  

He was unconscious of his mistake. 他不知道自己的錯誤。  

She was unconscious of any change. 她未察覺出任何變化。  

▲be weary of 對……厭煩(不感興趣)  

I’m weary of your preaching. 你的說教令我厭煩。  

The people are growing weary of the war. 人民對這場戰爭越來越厭倦了。  

▲be worthy of 足以獲得;值得……的:配得上

The scheme is worthy of our support. 那個計劃值得我們支持。  

His deed is worthy of praise. 他的行為值得稱讚。  

The book is well worthy of his reputation. 這本書完全配得上他的名聲。


