03.13 「看劇學英語」9:磨牙了怎麼辦,牙齒保持器?不如讓它旅行去吧


What am I gonna do without my bite guard?牙齒保持器沒了我還怎麼活啊

My teeth don't know where to go.我的牙會到處亂跑的


Well, maybe they should just backpack for a couple of years,So they figure it out.就讓它們去旅行個幾年,找到人生方向,就不會亂跑了



this is a nightmare for me.這是我人生中的惡夢

nightmare 噩夢,可怕的


Uh-oh. We got real problems now.完蛋這才是真正的麻煩



the cashier, Rhonda,那個收銀員,朗達

whose nametag said she was happy to help,but who was neither happy nor helpful,雖然胸牌上寫著”樂於服務顧客”結果卻兇巴巴的還百般刁難我

happy to help 樂於幫助



For someone whose jaw is about to unhinge,作為一個下巴快掉的人

you're sure flapping it a lot.你怎麼還不少說點話


Whenever I’m in pain, I need a treat. 每當我痛苦時,我就得享受一下

You know, whenever you're in pain, that is my treat. 每當你痛苦時,我都超級享受

pain 痛苦, treat招待,款待,令人驚喜的事



Get ready for something heavenly! 享受美味到上天堂的感覺吧


It’s not that bad.沒那麼糟。

因為磨牙和牙齒咬合問題太嚴重卡洛琳和麥克斯來到了“地鐵開口笑”買bit guard牙齒咬合器,但是被患有hep C的牙醫猥瑣的氣質嚇到,被麥克斯拉走了:

Everybody's got their something 人生在世誰無小病

What do you need? 你需要什麼

We need to be leaving. 我們需要離開



Seriously, how are you not running out of here? 說真的你怎麼還不奪門而逃啊

I have no choice. 我別無選擇

Now that I have no money or health insurance, 我現在既沒錢也沒醫療保險

I have to get used to this third-world situation. 我不得不適應第三世界的環境

Third-world situation?這哪裡是第三世界

This is an underworld situation. 這根本就是冥界




