
Which Vaccinations Do I Need?

A Guide for Adults with Kidney Disease, Kidney Failure, or a Kidney Transplant




Why do I need a vaccination?

Vaccines help keep you from getting a serious disease. They protect you from many common diseases, like the flu, diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis B and pneumonia. Many of these diseases can make you very sick and cause death. People with these diseases can pass them along and make others around them sick, so vaccines can also help protect others. Some people have a higher risk of becoming seriously ill from these diseases, especially elderly people, children, and people with chronic illnesses including those on dialysis.




How do vaccines work?

Vaccines are usually given as a shot (an injection with a small needle). They protect you by helping your body's immune system "prepare" for a real infection. To do this, vaccines contain parts of a dead or weakened germ. Once you get the shot, your body produces antibodies, which help your body find and kill these germs. Should you come in contact with the real germ, these antibodies will work to protect you. Some vaccines need a booster shot to help your body's immune system make enough antibodies. This is why some vaccines might need one shot, while others need more than one shot. In some cases, a blood test is used to make sure there are enough antibodies for protection.




Are vaccines safe?

Vaccines are among the safest therapies available. They have protected millions of people from serious disease.

As with any medication, there are some possible side effects. Some people could feel minor discomfort. There could be some soreness or a mild rash on the skin where the shot was given. Others might get a slight fever. However, these mild effects are normal and should not cause alarm.

There are some people who should not receive vaccines, including those allergic to vaccines, or people with an overactive immune system. Also, women who are pregnant, people with a kidney transplant, or those with a less active immune system should not receive certain vaccines.

As with any medicine, there is a very small risk that serious problems could occur. But the possible harm from vaccines is very small. The possible harm from infection is much greater. Talk with a healthcare provider about any questions or concerns you may have.






If I have a transplant, which vaccines should I avoid?

Vaccines work with the body's immune system. If the immune system does not work properly, the vaccine may not work or may even cause harm. Because transplant recipients use medications that affect the immune system, it is important to understand which vaccines you should and should not have. Most vaccines fall into two categories: inactive or live. Inactive vaccines are considered safe for transplant recipients, but live vaccines should be avoided. In general, if you have a transplant, you should avoid:

  • Influenza nasal (Flu Mist). The flu shot that is injected is an inactive vaccine, unlike the nasal mist noted here.
  • Chicken-pox (varicella)
  • Shingles (Herpes Zoster)
  • Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
  • Yellow Fever




  • 流感疫苗(經鼻吸入的,屬於活疫苗)。注意:流感疫苗(注射式)是一種非活性疫苗,可以注射。
  • 水痘
  • 帶狀皰疹
  • 麻疹、腮腺炎、風疹
  • 黃熱病


How often do I need a vaccination?

Depending on the vaccine, you may need only one shot to protect you for life. Other vaccines may require booster shots or a series of shots. Some vaccines are needed only if you travel to a place where you are likely to contract a disease that is common to that area. (See chart below for a list of vaccinations commonly recommended for adults with kidney disease.)





