
​“我命由我不由天!”相信看过《哪吒》的朋友们对这句经典台词一定会有所感悟 ,不管你们信不信,反正我相信!














"I control my own life! " I believe that if you have seen the movie " Nezha ", you will have some feelings about this classic line. Whether you believe it or not, anyway, I believe it!

There are actually two levels of understanding about fate. One is life, it's our life, and it is equal. The other is luck. If we understand it from the perspective of quality,it is the process.It is the environment in which our lives exist.The input of the process is our attitude, the management of related parties, various resources, social environment and so on, while the output of the process is the good fortune we expect!

Now that “life” is equal and “luck” is constantly changing, why don't we continue to improve the quality of luck and let us control the quality of our "fate" ?

There are only two key points in managing the input of the process of "luck".

One is to continuously input positive energy. All movements require energy, at the same time, we need to continuously input energy which has to be positive so that our “luck” can work effectively. In the first two decades of life, energy was a gift from our parents. Regardless of rich or poor, there is no choice for us but to accept it. In future life, we need to save energy ourselves, and the correct way to obtain energy is not to ask, but to give. The essence of injecting energy into others, advocating cooperation and tolerance, helping others to improve their image, and promoting their success and happiness are to continue to accumulate positive energy for ourselves to change our destiny!

And the other is to avoid improper selection.Fate is always controlled in our own hands, because "life" is our own, while "luck" is constantly changing, so our choice is very important.Human love begins at an early age.But falling in love with someone at a certain point in time actually determines where our "luck" will take root, sprout, blossom and bear fruit! So doed our study and career. Only by avoiding inappropriate input can the lucky output be successfully completed!

Quality is all around us. In society, personal destiny is basically not perfect, and it is more or less flawed. Some people are rich, but maybe they are old. Some people have succeeded, but they maybe have suffered a lot. Some people look noble , they maybe never feel happy. Therefore, Instead of blindly admiring the "lucky" of others, it is better to practically use the quality process method to manage our own "luck". I believe that each of us can effectively improve the quality of our "fate". As Nezha said that I control my own fate even though I am a demon.


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