

many experts believe that we use one of our senses more than the others when we learn. the idea is that we learn best in one of four ways: visual (seeing), auditory (hearing), kinesthetic (moving) or tactile (touching).


visual learners视觉学习者

喜欢看图片和图解(enjoy looking at pictures and graphic displays )

使用列表来整理他们的想法(use lists to organize their thoughts )

看到这些单词时就能认出(recognize words when they see them displayed)

tips for the visual learner视觉学习者的提示

画出单词所对应的图像并将语法规则制成图表(draw pictures of vocabulary and diagrams of grammar rules)

使用0flashcards"(单词卡)复习新学的单词(use flashcards to review new words )

用你新学的单词虚构一段对话(visualize a conversation with the new words you've learnt)

auditory learners听觉学习者

喜欢听别人的谈话和讨论(enjoy listening to dialogues and discussions)

喜欢听到口头的指令( like to hear spoken instructions )

喜欢使用押韵和声音来帮助记住信息( use rhythm and sounds to help remember information)

tips for the auditory learner听觉学习者的小贴士

将单词唱出来,记住歌曲或用押韵的方式记住语法规则(sing vocabulary, memorize songs or make rhymes to remember grammar rules)

尽可能大声地朗读(read out loud as much as possible)

把你讲英语的声音录t来,并回放磁带进行回顾(record yourself speaking english and play back the tapes for review)

kinesthetic learners动觉触觉类型

觉得在电脑前长时间的坐着很难(find it difficult to sit in front of the computer for long periods of time)

自己能试试的话学习效果最佳(learn best when trying something for themselves )

用行动作为记忆的辅助工具(use movement as a memory aid)

tips for the kinesthetic learner动觉触觉类型学习者的提示

边学习边嚼口香糖!( chew gum while you're studying!)

做运动时默默回顾你的课程(mentally review your lessons while exercising)

tactile learners触觉学习者

喜欢用到自己的双手作(enjoy working with their hands )

通过写字或在键盘上打字来记忆单词(remember words by writing or typing them on the keyboard)

通过实际的活动如某些任务和游戏能达到较好的学习效果(learn well through practical activities like projects and games)

tips for the tactile learner触觉学习者的提示

尽可能多参加一些角色扮演和戏剧活动(participate in you can) 使用参照物来帮助你记忆单词(use objects to help you 在参与中学习,因此尽可能抓住一切机会操练英语吧!

much as you can’)role-playing and drama activities as much asremember vocabulary)(you learn by doing, so practice english as

