


1. 現在進行時表將來的內涵

現在進行時表示將來主要用於表示按計劃或安排將要發生的動作或事件。這種用法給人一種期待感, 常表示最近或較近的將來。

*We’re starting for Shanghai thisafternoon.


2. 常用於該表達法的動詞(短語):

(1)表示位置轉移的動詞(短語), 如arrive,come, get(to), leave, return, start, travel, take off, fly, see off等。

*The plane is arriving in 10 minutes. 飛機將在10分鐘後到達。

(2)一些表示非轉移的趨向性的動詞, 如do, buy,meet, have, play, publish, spend等, 此時句中一般要有表示將來的時間狀語。

*My mother is buying me a bike soon.


*The young man is meeting his girlfriendthis afternoon.



(1)What _____________for dinner? 你們正餐吃什麼?

(2)We ___________some time in buying some books this afternoon.



1.Harry: _____ Sarah _____ (come) on the trip tomorrow?

Cindy: Yes. She _____ (leave) tomorrow morning.

Harry: Do you know what time?

Cindy: She _____ (leave) the house at seveno’ clock and will catch the train at eight.

2. Matthew: How _____ you _____(get) to school?

Joe: I _____ (cycle) to school and leaving my clothes behind. My mum_____ (bring) my clothes to school tomorrow morning.

Matthew: Lucky you! That seems a good idea.

3. Peter: Where _____ we _____ (go)?

James: To the sea.

Peter: How _____ we _____ (get) there?

James: By car.


1. —Is everybody here?

—No. The speaker _________ (come)soon.

2. The weather _________ (get) warmer and warmer.

3. I _________ (write) a new book these days.

4. The girl ____ always ________(leave) things about.

5. —I’m going to the to study law.

—How long _______ you _______ (stay)there?

6. What will you want to be when you ______ (grow) up?

7. Look at the lightning. It_________ (rain).

8. Our English teacher _________ (leave )Shanghai in a few days.

9. —Jim is in town for a few days.

—Really? Great! I _________ (give) hima call. Is he staying at his Aunt Rosa’s?


1. 下星期天你要幹什麼? (do)

What________________ next Sunday?

2. 去北京的火車就要進站了。(arrive)

The train to Beijing________ soon.

3. 他在寫一本有關鄉村音樂的書。(write)

He____________ on country music.

4. 我正要詢問有關事故的情況。(ask)

I_____________ the accident.

5. 我的朋友總是先為別人著想。(think)

My friend ___________ others first.

6. 下一列火車明天早上8點離開。(leave)

The next train ________ 8 o’clock tomorrow morning.

7. 看這幅圖,那些孩子正在公園裡放風箏。(fly)

Look at the picture. The children ___________ in the park.

8. 小湯姆一直在哭,他媽媽很生氣。(cry)

LittleTom _________ all the time, which makes his mother angry.

9. 穿上大衣!我帶你下樓看醫生去。(take)

Put on your coat! I __________ you to see the doctor downstairs.

10. 不要吵鬧,爸爸正在聽新聞。(listen)

Don’t make noises. Father ________ to the news.


1.The train to Shanghai starts at 3 p. m., Dr.Smith, together with his wife and daughters, ______ visit Beijing this summer.

A.is going to B. aregoing to

C.was going to D. weregoing to

2.—Have you got any job offers?

—No. I _____.

A.waited B. had been waiting

C.have waited D. am waiting

3.Teenagers _____ their health because they play computer games too much.

A.have damaged B. are damaging

C.damaged D. will damage

4.My money _____. I must go to the bank to draw some of my savings out before I’ve none in hand.

A.has run out B. isrunning out

C.was running out D.runs out

5.Frank, with his two sisters, _____ London by train which _____ at 8: 30 next morning.

A.is leaving for; will leave B. are leaving for; leaves

C.is leaving for; leaves D. will leave for; will leave

6.—Why did you buy so much food, mum?

—Your grandparents ______ to spend this weekend with us.

A.are coming B. come

C.were coming D. came

7.—I hear you’ve won a holiday to NewYork.

—Yes. And I _____ my daughter.

A.am taking B.take

C.took D. have taken

8.My dictionary ___, I have looked for it everywhere but still___ it.

A.has lost, don't find B. is missing, don't find

C.has lost, haven't found D. is missing, haven't found.

9. As a UN report warns, animals________ at a speed 100 times faster now than any time in the past since the dinosaurs were wiped out.

A. are dying out B. have died out

C. were dying out D.had died out

10. —I’mnot finished with my dinner yet.

—But our friends ______________ for us.

A. will wait B.wait

C. have waited D.are waiting

11.—Why don’t we choose that road to save time?

—The bridge to it ______ .

A.has repaired B. isrepaired

C.is being repaired D. will be repaired

12.—I don’t think the headmaster knows who did it.

—Well,surprisingly she does. A boy _____ in her office now.

A.has been questioned B. is being questioned

C.is questioning D. has questioned

13.I don’t understand why you _____ your mind constantly! We haven’t been able to decide where to spend our holiday, you know?

A.change B. will change

C.are changing D. have changed

14.—Are you still busy?

—Yes,I _____ my work and it won’t take long.

A.just finish B. am just finishing

C.have just finished D. just finished

15.—Is this handbag yours?

—No, mine ______ there on the wall.

A.hangs B. has hung

C.is hanging D. hung

16.John moved to five years ago and _____ there ever since.

A.was B.has been C.is staying D.was staying

17.— Do you live in this city?

—No, we ______ it for holidays.

A. just visited B. are just visiting

C.had already visited D. just visit

18.Hurry! The train ________. You know it ________ at 8:30 a.m.

A.leaves; leaves B. is leaving; leaves

C.leaves; is leaving D. is leaving; is leaving

19.—You’re left the light on.

—Oh, so I have. ______ and turn it off.

A. I’ll go B.I’ve gone C. I go D. I’m going

20.Mr. Smith _____ to have a talk with you. He will be here in a minute.

A. come B.coming C. has come D. is coming


1. I’ll write to him when I finished the book.

2. Charles worked hard since leaving school.

3. In fact, I am very thin when I was young.

4. He is kind to me. Although he is very busy, he still came to see me.

5. How long have you been here?How did you like our city?

6. As is known to us all, the earth turned around the sun.

7. I’m interested in English, so I spoke it better than the others do.

8. Don’t worry about it. I promise you I come to help you.

9. Now everything is dear. Even a small piece of bread cost one yuan.

10. Remember to turn off the lights before you will leave.

11. I forget to tell him the news. Shall we telephone him now?













1. Is, coming; is leaving; is leaving

2. are, getting; am cycling; is bringing

3. are, going; are, getting


1. is coming 2. is getting 3. am writing

4. is leaving 5. are staying 6. grow

7. is going to rain 8. is leaving 9. will give/going to give


1. are you doing/going to do 2. is arriving

3. is writing a book 4. am about to ask about

5. is always thinking of 6. leaves at

7. are flying kites 8. is crying

9. am taking 10.is listening


1.A. 根據時間狀語this summer,要用將來時表示。而且主語是單數Dr. Smith,故選A。

2.D. 考查時態。依上文可知, 前者在詢問後者是否有人提供工作,而對方回答說還沒有, 還在等待。顯然在說現在的狀況, 現在一直在等。進行時有兩種常見的用法:①正在進行的動作;②近一段時間一直持續的動作。該處考查的是進行時態的第二種用法。

3.B. 考查時態。因為年輕人電子遊戲玩得太多, 所以他們正在損害自己的健康。

4.B. 考查時態及run out的用法。由語境可知,當時錢還沒有用完,因此不用A、C項。而D項一般表示時刻表上將要發生的動作。錢花光並不是寫在時刻表上的。B項用進行時表示將來。

5.C. 第一個空表示按計劃將要發生的動作,應用進行時態表將來。其主語是Frank, 所以謂語動詞用單數形式,排除B、D項。後一個空表示按日程表或規定要發生的動作,應用一般現在時表將來,故應選C項。

6.A. 由句中this weekend這一將來時間可排除C、D,位移動詞常用現在進行時態表示計劃將來發生的動作。

7.A. 現在進行時表示將來的動作或狀態。

8.D. 前句是一個仍在持續的狀態,應用進行時,由於沒有找到,其影響仍然存在,應用完成時,瞬間動詞用於否定式時可用於完成時。

9.A. 從now和inthe past相對比可以看出動物正在逐步地滅絕,因此選用現在進行時。

10.D. 本題考查動詞時態。句意:——我的飯還沒有吃完呢。——但是,朋友們正在等著我們。根據二者之間對話的邏輯分析可知,是在吃飯的同時朋友們在等著(現在),故用現在進行時。

11.C. 由第一句提供的信息可知通往那條路的橋正在修建中。因此選擇C項表示“動作正在進行,且用被動語態”。

12.B. 根據對話內容可知,“這個男孩正在被盤問”,強調說話時正在進行的動作。故正確答案為B。

13.C. 考查時態。句中constantly是關鍵詞,說明被質問者總是在改變主意。用進行時符合語境。

14.B. 由“it won’t take long”可知工作將要完成, 故用現在進行時態表將來。

15.C. “我的手提包在牆上掛著”表示目前正在進行的狀態。

16.B. 考查時態。ever since通常用於現在完成時。題意為:John五年前移居老撾,從那以後就一直住在那裡。

17.B. 問話人的意思是“你現在在這兒,那你是住在這個城市嗎?”,從答話人的答語No可以看出,答話人想強調他們“正在這裡參觀”而不是住在這兒,因此用進行時態。

18.B. “is leaving”表示“即將離開”;而第二空是說列車時刻表上開車的時間,用一般現在時表示。

19.A. 答話人對第一個人提出的話題進行回應“我這就去關燈”,是臨時的反應,用will do,不用be doing。

20.D. “is coming”為現在進行時表將來。


1. finished 改為finish,或在finished 前加have.即在時間狀語從句中要用一般現在時表示將來意義,但這裡也可用現在完成時表示完成。

2.worked 前加has,句中的since 表示“自從……以來一直……”,即表示從過去持續到現在的一段時間,故用現在完成時。

3.am 改為 was,根據從句中的一般過去時可知 am 應改為 was.

4.came 改為 comes,根據前面的兩處一般現在時可知。

5.did 改為 do,根據前面的現在完成時可知“你”現在還在我們城市,故後面一句問的是“你”現在對我們城市的看法。

6.turned 改為 turns.本句敘述的是客觀真理,故用一般現在時。

7.spoke 改為 speak.全句敘述的是現在的情況。

8.come 前加 will,根據句意,此處應是將來時態。

9.cost 改為 costs,句子講述的是現在的一般情況。

10.去掉 will,時間狀語從句要用一般現在時表示將來意義。

11.forget 改為 forgot,根據句意,此題的“忘記”應是指過去忘記


1.Mary and I are going fishing next Sunday.

2.I am not doing anything tomorrow.

3.Is he going tonext month?

4.How long are you staying in Xi’an?

5.Don't worry. I am about to make a close examination on you.

6.She is to be seen in the lab on Monday.

7.Don't worry. You won't miss her. She will be wearing a red T-shirt and a white skirt at that time.

8.My mother is coming to visit me next week and is staying here until May.

9.There had been some one in our room just now, because I noticed a burning cigarette end on the floor when we opened the front door.

