《鎌倉物語》: 你會為了愛的人勇赴黃泉嗎?(下)

《鎌倉物語》: 你會為了愛的人勇赴黃泉嗎?(下)




《鎌倉物語》: 你會為了愛的人勇赴黃泉嗎?(下)




《鎌倉物語》: 你會為了愛的人勇赴黃泉嗎?(下)







《鎌倉物語》: 你會為了愛的人勇赴黃泉嗎?(下)




《鎌倉物語》: 你會為了愛的人勇赴黃泉嗎?(下)



《海街日記》《有喜歡的人》 、《向陽處的她》《新哥斯拉》 ラ 等等,雖然之前未曾到過這個海濱小城,但電影中展現的生活讓我神往。同時,這裡還有大文豪川端康成、三島由紀夫和夏目漱石生活過的痕跡。


曾經在豆瓣上看到一個話題:我們的鎌倉在哪裡?比較集中的答案有敦煌和蘇州,但在我心裡最符合的應該是杭州。位於江南水鄉的杭州,本身就是一個彙集了很多神話故事的地方——《白蛇傳》 The legend of the White Snake《梁祝》

The Butterfly Effect等神話故事。同時,這裡有很多景點又與神話、歷史故事息息相關——三潭印月雷峰塔蘇小小墓等等。



English Version

Destiny: Kamakura Monogatari is also known as the Japanese version of the Coco. I think the reason is that both of them use the light narrative way and angle to expound the topic of life and death.

In a country like Japan, especially in Kamakura, which gave birth to the spirit of bushido, the discussion of death has always been gorgeous and solemn. I think the people who have seen the movies Okuribito and Shitsurakuen will understand what I mean. Kamakura Monogatari uses fairy tales to make death seems less heavy.

The side story of the film is also praiseworthy, which has a lot of cuteness and tears.

The Father's Love

The friend of Kazakura died of a serious illness. He was concerned about his wife and daughter, so he applied for being ghost at the Bureau of Death. The Bureau of Death advised him to keep his life alive at the expense of his friends or family. Unwilling to hurt the people he treasures, he applied to be a frog head monster.

At first, when he saw another man taking care of his wife and daughter, he was too jealous to do something wrong almost. And when he saw that the man was really determined to give them happiness, he finally decided to let go and continue to be a frog distributing balloons in the park. The scene above is he with his daughter.

The Definition of Love

As mentioned in the plot outline, Kazakura harboured the idea of celibacy, while he changed his mind when facing Yakoko, and I can't help thinking that Kazakura has been waiting for her all these years.

As expected, the film explains why they fell in love at first sight. It turns out they were a couple hundreds of years ago and have been married countless times over the years. They will meet, fall in love and stay together finally,no matter which palingenesis. How romantic it is!

Would I remember you if I lost my memory?

In the film, both Kazakura and his father are willing to go the the netherworld to save who they love. In an age when ambiguity is a living skill, people who know each other so well can turn around and leave without saying a word. I doubt that whether we still would find someone who will go through everything to take after us like our parents.

Do you have one person who is willing to give up everything for her?

Love and Tolerance

Kazakura has been doing nothing right for a while. Later, he found out that it was the Poor God sneakily live in his house. Everyone was afraid of the Poor God, but Yakoko was happy to keep him and entertain him politely. One afternoon, the Poor God said he was going to the next house. In order to appreciate for Yakoko's kindness, he insisted on giving her a bowl.

This bowl was the key to Kazakura's success in saving his wife in netherworld. In the end, you'll find that even though the Poor God is hated and abandoned by ordinary people, God is still God.

Where is Our Kamakura?

Speaking of Kamakura, the first thing that came to my mind was the Slam Dunk, which is the the post-80s generation's precious memory. There're other movies: Kamakura Diary好きな人がいること陽だまりの彼女シン・ゴジ. At the same time, there are also traces of the lives of Yasunori Kawabata, Yukio Mishima and Natsume Soseki.

In the history and culture of Japan, Kamakura has extremely rich connotation and important status. It is not even inferior to Kyoto and nara. Since ancient times, Kamakura has been filled with many strange little stories, and people who live there have not surprised about them at all.

Once I saw a topic on douban: Where is Our Kamakura? The concentrated answers include Dunhuang and Suzhou. However, I consider that the most suitable answers is Hangzhou

. Hangzhou has many mysterious stories, such as The legend of The White Snake, The Butterfly Effect, etc. At the same time, there are many attractions that are closely linked to myths and historical stories: Three Pools Mirroring the Moon, Leifeng Pagoda, The Tomb of Little Su, and so on.

Well, where is your Kamakura?




