





There are Ten simple measures to protect yourself in crowded places , on busy streets or places in the various shopping

1 避免攜帶大筆現金。

Please avoid carrying large amounts of money.

2 當你身處繁華街道、商店或其他公共場所時,最好把錢、銀行信用卡和手機放在衣服的前口袋裡。

When you walk or are in busy streets or public places and shops, better you keep money, bank credit cards and mobile phones in the front pockets of your clothes.

3 攜帶行李時,除非絕對必要,否則不要將所有的錢和其他貴重物品放在行李中,因為我們的行李是盜竊的目標。

When you carry a bag, you do not put all the money and other items of value in the bag unless it is absolutely necessary, since our bag is a target of theft.

4 注意揹包方式,讓包始終在自己的視線範圍內。例如,可以把包的橫截面貼近我們的身體(抱到胸前等),讓其他人難以打開,避免被偷盜。

You carry a bag in a way so you can always see it. For example, it can be placed cross-sectionally on our body, making it difficult for someone to open it to steal its contents.

5 當您逛商店時,始終隨身攜帶您的個人物品,不隨意丟棄在其他地方。

When you visit shops you always hold your personal items, without leaving them anywhere, within the shops.

6 店主和店員也不應將自己的錢包、手提包或手機等個人財物留在無人看管的店鋪內。

Owners and shop staff should also not leave unattended in the store, personal property such as their wallet, purse or mobile phone.

7 在人多、光線黑暗和偏遠的地方,要更加謹慎小心,因為在這種條件下您很容易成為被盜竊的目標。同時,即使在距離車輛幾分鐘的情況下,車輛駕駛員也必須採取所有措施,以防止車輛中財產被盜,甚至車輛本身被盜。

In places where there is overcrowding, but also in dark and distant places, we are especially careful, since conditions are appropriate for us to be a target for the theft of our property

Drivers of vehicles, even in the case of a few minutes away from your vehicle, must take all those measures that would prevent the theft of property from the vehicle, or even theft of the vehicle itself.

8 在車內,手袋、錢包、手機和筆記本電腦等貴重物品不應暴露在顯眼的地方,因為它們是盜竊的目標。

Inside vehicles, valuable items such as handbags, purses, mobile phones and laptops should never be exposed and prominently displayed, since they are the target of theft.

9 將車輛停放在停車場區域會更安全。

It is safer to park your vehicle in car park areas.

10 下車時請確保已經取下車鑰匙,鎖上車門並完全搖起車窗。

Please make sure you remove the keys of the vehicle, lock the doors and fully raise the windows.


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